Ramadan 2024 Fasting Hours Around the World: Longest and Shortest Timings

Ramadan 2024 Fasting Hours Around the World: Longest and Shortest Timings

Ramadan 2024 Fasting Hours Around the World: Longest and Shortest Timings

Ramadan 2024 is going to start from March 10 or 11 and will continue till April 9. Depending on the sighting of the moon for some nations it will also start von March 12 2024. It doesn’t matter which country you live in, the basic rule of fasts during the Ramadan Month is that it starts from sunrise and lasts till sunset. This time period can last anywhere between 12 to 17 hours. For Muslims all around the world the Holy month of Ramadan is the time when the verses of the Quran revealed itself to the Prophet Mohammed for the first time. The Ramadan fast entail complete abstinence from eating, drinking, smoking and sexual relations during daylight hours. This is done bro achieve Taqwa or consciousness of God. Today in this article we’ll discuss the timings and dates of Ramadan fast in the different parts of the world.


Why does Ramadan start on different dates every year?

Ramadan 2024


Every year you’ll find that the dates of Ramadan change. There is a shift of 10-12 days every year in Ramadan each year and every consecutive year it is coming early. The reason behind this is the less number of days in Islamic Lunar year as compared to the Solar year. The Islamic calendar is based on the lunar Hijri calendar with months that are only  29 or 30 days long as compared to normal solar calendar. Because of this Ramadan will be celebrated twice in the year of 2030. First it will be in January and next it’ll be in December.



Fasting Hours around the world

The time and dates vary across the world. Which is why for Muslim living in the southern part of the world such as Chile and New Zealand the fasting hours will be 12 hours whereas for northern countries such as Iceland or Greenland , they’ll have 17+ hours of fast. Now as the time moves the situation will start reversing as for the Muslims in the Northern Hemisphere the fasting time will decrease gradually and it will increase for the Muslim in the southern hemisphere. So the timings for Sehri and Iftar will also change in the future. However the basic rule for fasting during the month of Ramadan remains the same , which is to start from sunrise till sunset.


Which cities have the longest and shortest fasting hours?

Below we have prepared the list of cities that have the longest and the shortest fasting hours in the world. The list is in descending order starting from the longest fasting period.

– Nuuk, Greenland: 16 hours
– Reykjavik, Iceland: 16 hours
– Helsinki, Finland: 15 hours
– Oslo, Norway: 15 hours
– Glasgow, Scotland: 15 hours
– Berlin, Germany: 15 hours
– Dublin, Ireland: 15 hours
– Moscow, Russia: 15 hours
– Amsterdam, the Netherlands: 15 hours
– Warsaw, Poland: 15 hours
– Astana, Kazakhstan: 15 hours

– Brussels, Belgium: 14 hours
– London, UK: 14 hours
– Zurich, Switzerland: 14 hours
– Stockholm, Sweden: 14 hours
– Bucharest, Romania: 14 hours
– Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina: 14 hours
– Sofia, Bulgaria: 14 hours
– Rome, Italy: 14 hours
– Madrid, Spain: 14 hours
– Paris, France: 14 hours
– Lisbon, Portugal: 14 hours
– Ankara, Turkey: 14 hours
– Ottawa, Canada: 14 hours
– Tokyo, Japan: 14 hours
– Beijing, China: 14 hours
– Athens, Greece: 14 hours
– New York City, US: 14 hours
– Washington, DC, US: 14 hours
– Los Angeles, US: 14 hours
– Tunis, Tunisia: 14 hours
– Algiers, Algeria: 14 hours
– Tehran, Iran: 14 hours
– Kabul, Afghanistan: 14 hours
– New Delhi, India: 14 hours
– Dhaka, Bangladesh: 14 hours
– Rabat, Morocco: 14 hours
– Damascus, Syria: 14 hours
– Islamabad, Pakistan: 14 hours
– Baghdad, Iraq: 14 hours
– Beirut, Lebanon: 14 hours
– Amman, Jordan: 14 hours
– Gaza City, Palestine: 14 hours
– Cairo, Egypt: 14 hours
– Doha, Qatar: 13 hours
– Dubai, UAE: 13 hours
– Khartoum, Sudan: 13 hours
– Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: 13 hours
– Abuja, Nigeria: 13 hours
– Aden, Yemen: 13 hours
– Dakar, Senegal: 13 hours
– Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: 13 hours
– Buenos Aires, Argentina: 13 hours
– Colombo, Sri Lanka: 13 hours
– Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: 13 hours
– Mogadishu, Somalia: 13 hours
– Ciudad del Este, Paraguay: 13 hours
– Nairobi, Kenya: 13 hours

– Harare, Zimbabwe: 13 hours
– Jakarta, Indonesia: 13 hours
– Luanda, Angola: 13 hours
– Bangkok, Thailand: 13 hours
– Brasilia, Brazil: 13 hours
– Johannesburg, South Africa: 13 hours
– Montevideo, Uruguay: 13 hours
– Canberra, Australia: 13 hours
– Puerto Montt, Chile: 13 hours
– Christchurch, New Zealand: 13 hours


So this was all the information that you might need on the Ramadan fasting time in the different parts of the world.




1. Why do the dates of Ramadan change every year?
The Islamic calendar is lunar-based, causing Ramadan to shift approximately 10-12 days earlier each year in the Gregorian calendar.



2. What is the significance of fasting during Ramadan?
Fasting during Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and is observed to achieve Taqwa, or consciousness of God.


3. What are the fasting hours during Ramadan?
Fasting hours vary depending on geographical location, ranging from 12 to over 17 hours.



4. How do fasting hours differ between northern and southern hemispheres?
In the northern hemisphere, fasting hours are longer, gradually decreasing over the month, while in the southern hemisphere, fasting hours are shorter, gradually increasing.


5. What are Sehri and Iftar times?
Sehri is the pre-dawn meal before fasting begins, and Iftar is the meal to break the fast after sunset.



6. What are the cities with the longest fasting hours?
Cities like Nuuk, Greenland, and Reykjavik, Iceland, have some of the longest fasting hours, around 16 hours.


7. What are the cities with the shortest fasting hours?
Cities like Canberra, Australia, and Christchurch, New Zealand, have some of the shortest fasting hours, around 13 hours.



8. How are fasting hours determined?
Fasting hours are determined by the duration between sunrise and sunset, varying based on geographical location and time of year.


9. What activities are recommended during Ramadan?
Muslims are encouraged to increase acts of worship, including reading the Quran, attending Tarawih prayers, and performing charitable deeds.



10. Can individuals with health conditions fast?
Islam exempts individuals with health conditions from fasting, and they may compensate by feeding the poor or fasting at a later date.





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