International Women’s Day 2024: Theme, Background, Significance, Society’s Play and more!

International Women’s Day 2024: Theme, Background, Significance, Society’s Play and more!

International Women's Day Theme

Every year on March 8th, International Women’s Day is celebrated globally as a momentous event to commemorate the accomplishments of women, promote gender equality and acknowledge their worthy contributions to society. In 2024, this significant occasion comes on  Thursday, offering a chance to people all around the world to contemplate and unite the advancements gained in achieving gender equality, whilst also analyzing the ongoing efforts required to achieve the equality in a fair sense.




Overarching Theme: Invest in women: Accelerate progress

International Women's day 2024 theme

The extensive theme for International Women’s Day 2024 is “Invest in women: Accelerate progress.” This theme highlights the pivotal role of investing in women’s leadership growth, education, economic empowerment and healthcare, to speed up advancements towards gender parity. Through supporting women financially, we not only enrich their personal possibility of growth and sustenance but also encourage beneficial societal and economic results for countries and communities.




Campaign Theme for 2024: Inspire Inclusion

International Women's Day 2024

The campaign theme for International Women’s Day 2024 is “Inspire Inclusion.” This thought highlights the importance of making a society that values inclusiveness, where women are empowered, esteemed and honored to engage fully in every aspect of life. We can collaboratively cultivate an impartial and fairer world by motivating others to accept and comprehend the inclusion of women. When females are embraced, the feelings of empowerment, belonging and significance occur to them which foster societal prosperity and enrich their overall welfare wholly.





Background and Origin of the day:

International Women's Day 2024

The birth of International Women’s Day dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, spotted by women’s movements champions to improve societal equity, labor conditions and voting rights. The celebration of the first National Woman’s Day took place in the United States on February 28, 1909, following a memorandum by the Socialist Party of America. During the International Conference of Working Women in 1910 in Copenhagen, Clara Zetkin put forward the establishment of an annual Women’s Day to advocate for women’s suffrage and rights. The submission garnered united support, resulting in the firstInternational Women’s Day celebration in 1911, attended by over a million persons across Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Denmark.




Some critical areas that require collaborative action:

International Women's Day 2024

  • Well-being and Health: Handling gender inequality in healthcare accessibility which include mental health, maternal well-being and sexual and reproductive health rights.
  • Education: Assuring fair and equal opportunities for  women and girls to access top education, counting vocational training initiatives and STEM disciplines.
  •  Ending Violence Against Women: Battling against gender-related violence in different types, such as detrimental customs like underage marriage and female genital cutting, domestic abuse, trafficking in persons and sexual violence.
  •  Economic Empowerment: Promoting women’s engagement in the leadership roles, economy and entrepreneurship, alongside efforts to eradicate the pay disparity and cultivate equal pathways for career advancement.
  • Political Participation: Increasing women’s presence and involvement in decision-making arenas and  political leadership, while backing activists and advocates championing for the rights of females.




Significance of celebrating women’s day:

International Women’s Day has immense significance as a pivotal event for women’s rights and gender equality. It works as a forum to raise awareness regarding the political, societal, cultural and economic victories of women worldwide. Furthermore the day gives a chance to spotlight the enduring challenges and hurdles faced by women, encompassing unequal opportunities in education and employment, gender-based bias and violence. International Women’s Day deals as a potent forum to shed light on the injustices and  challenges experienced by women, including disparate access to healthcare and education, gender-based violence and restricted economic prospects. This provides an opportunity to gauge our achievements and renew our dedication to discovering solutions that propel gender parity forward and empower girls and women.




1. What is the theme of International Women’s Day 2024?
– The theme for International Women’s Day 2024 is “Invest in women: Accelerate progress,” emphasizing the importance of investing in women’s leadership, education, economic empowerment, and healthcare to advance gender parity.



2. What is the campaign theme for International Women’s Day 2024?
– The campaign theme for 2024 is “Inspire Inclusion,” highlighting the significance of creating an inclusive society where women are empowered, valued, and encouraged to participate fully in all aspects of life.


3. When is International Women’s Day celebrated?
– International Women’s Day is celebrated globally on March 8th every year. In 2024, it falls on a Thursday.



4. What is the background and origin of International Women’s Day?
– International Women’s Day originated from women’s movements in the early 20th century, with the first celebration held in 1911. It was established to advocate for women’s suffrage, labor rights, and equality.


5. What are some critical areas that require collaborative action on International Women’s Day?
– Critical areas requiring collaborative action include healthcare accessibility, education equality, ending violence against women, economic empowerment, and increasing women’s political participation. These areas aim to address gender disparities and promote gender equality globally.




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