20 Interesting International Women’s Day Facts | Celebrating Women’s Achievements and Struggles

20 Interesting International Women’s Day Facts | Celebrating Women’s Achievements and Struggles

Interesting Facts about International Women's Day 2024

In this patriarchal world Women’s day is an important day to celebrate the importance of women ball around the World. This is the day to honour all the hard work and struggle that they have done in order to make a place for themselves in this harsh world. Women have fought against all the odds to rise and get successful. They play Multiple roles in our life and they play it to perfection. To honour them, Women’s day is celebrated. In this  article we’ll discuss 20 Interesting Women’s day facts that will show you the significance of this day itself. We’ll discuss the historical origin of the day and how it became in this one big festival. We’ll also discuss the famous incidents or people that were related to the suffrage or women’s movement. Apart from this you’ll also be able to read how women’s day is celebrated in different parts of the world. These facts will take you on the journey where you’ll be able to understand this day in a much better way. You’ll be able to understand the struggle women go through and how important this day is for all the mankind.




1. Origin: International Women’s Day (IWD) has its roots in the early 20th century socialist movements in Europe and North America.

2. First Celebration: The first IWD was observed on March 19, 1911, in Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland, with rallies advocating for women’s rights to work, vote, and hold public office.

3. Date Standardization: In 1913, March 8 was proposed as the official date for IWD, and it has been celebrated on this day globally since then.

4. United Nations Recognition: The United Nations officially recognized International Women’s Day in 1975 during International Women’s Year.


5. Theme Each Year: Every year, IWD is celebrated with a specific theme, highlighting various issues affecting women globally, such as gender equality, women’s empowerment, and ending violence against women.

6. Global Celebration: International Women’s Day is celebrated in many countries worldwide, including those where women’s rights are still being fought for vigorously.

7. Public Holiday: In some countries, such as Afghanistan, Cuba, and Russia, International Women’s Day is an official public holiday, with women receiving flowers, gifts, and special recognition.

8. Color Symbolism: The official color of International Women’s Day is purple, representing justice and dignity, while green symbolizes hope and white signifies purity.


9. #EachforEqual Campaign: In 2020, the theme for International Women’s Day was #EachforEqual, promoting gender equality and challenging stereotypes and bias.

10. Social Media Impact: Social media platforms play a significant role in spreading awareness about IWD, with hashtags like #IWD, #InternationalWomensDay, and #IWD2024 trending globally.

11. Global Events: Various events, including conferences, workshops, marches, and cultural performances, are organized on International Women’s Day to celebrate women’s achievements and address gender disparities.

12. Feminist Movements: IWD often serves as a platform for feminist movements to advocate for women’s rights, reproductive rights, and gender equality.


13. Award Ceremonies: Many organizations and institutions use International Women’s Day as an opportunity to recognize and honor outstanding women leaders and activists.

14. Educational Initiatives: Schools and universities worldwide organize educational programs and discussions focused on gender equality and women’s rights on International Women’s Day.

15. Community Support: Community organizations often provide support services and resources for women experiencing domestic violence, discrimination, or economic hardship on IWD.

16. Corporate Involvement: Many companies participate in International Women’s Day by hosting events, launching initiatives to support women in the workplace, and promoting gender diversity.


17. Artistic Expression: Artists, musicians, and performers use their platforms to create artworks, songs, and performances that celebrate women’s achievements and advocate for gender equality on IWD.

18. Women’s Health Focus: International Women’s Day also raises awareness about women’s health issues, including reproductive health, maternal mortality, and access to healthcare.

19. Intersectionality: There’s a growing recognition of the importance of intersectionality in the women’s rights movement, acknowledging that women’s experiences vary based on factors such as race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, and disability.

20. Continued Activism: Despite progress, International Women’s Day serves as a reminder that there’s still work to be done to achieve full gender equality and women’s empowerment globally, motivating ongoing activism and advocacy efforts.





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