History of Holi (Festival of Colors): Legends, Significance, and Traditions Explained

Holi 2024

 Holi- A world-famous festival is about to come. It is a traditional Hindu spring festival held in India. It is mainly held on the full moon day in March and celebrates the arrival of spring. Holi is also known as the “Festival of Colors” and is known around the world for its use of colourful powder and water. It is characterised by participants playing with colours known as “Gulal ” and splashing water on each other while saying “Happy Holi”. It is a very precious moment that transcends the differences of gender and caste status. It is believed that Holi was originally held to pray for agricultural success and a bountiful harvest. Later, it was combined with the exorcism rituals of Krishna’s legend and settled into its current form. The ritual of throwing colourful powder and water on each other originates from the practice of throwing dirt and filth into people’s homes to drive away evil spirits and purify them.

The festival of Holi is celebrated with great enthusiasm by the entire country. Does anyone know where this festival originated? If you don’t know then we will tell you.

History of Holi

Holi 2024


The history of Holi is deeply rooted in Hindu Mythology and tradition, with various legends and stories. Among all, the most popular legends associated with Holi are the stories of Holika and Prahlad. The Holi bonfire or Holika Dahan is a celebration based on the story of Holika and Prahlad from Hindu Mythology. This festival started from Erich of Jhansi in Bundelkhand. This once used to be the capital of Hiranyakashyap.

As per this story, there was a demon king named Hiranyakashipu. The king of the Daityas earned a boon from Lord Brahma.  He says the boon of immortality is that he would neither die during the day nor at night. Neither man nor animal will be able to kill him. After receiving this boon, Hiranyakashyap became very arrogant and demanded everyone worship him as a god. But his Prahlad was born in the house of this demon king. He was devoted to Lord Vinshu rather than his father. King Hiranyakashipu didn’t like his devotion to Lord Krishna. Hiranyakashyap made several attempts to get him killed. Still, Prahlad survived. Ultimately Hiranyakashyap threw Prahlad down from Dikoli mountain. Dikoli Mountain and the place where Prahlad fell still exist. It is mentioned in the 9th Canto of Shrimad Bhagwat Purana and Jhansi Gazetteer page 339A, 357. According to mythology, to punish her son, Hiranyakashipu asked his sister Holika, for help who was immune to fire. She has a chunari, wearing which she could sit amidst the fire. By covering which there was no effect of fire. Hiranyakashipu and Holika planned to burn Prahlad alive. Holika tricked Prahlad into sitting on fire with her. But through divine intervention, Prahald was saved by Lord Vishnu and Holika was burned in that fire. Holika sat in the fire with Prahlad covered in the same chunri in her lap, but the effect of God’s illusion was that the wind blew and the chunri flew over Holika and landed on Prahlad. In this way, Prahlad was again saved and Holika got burnt. Immediately after this, Lord Vishnu incarnated as Narasimha and killed Hiranyakashyap with his nails at the threshold of the temple situated at Dikauli on Gaudhuli Bela i.e. neither day nor night. Not only in Bundelkhand but in the entire country, the tradition of burning Holika is going on a day before Holi. This whole story symbolises the victory of good over evil. This is the reason, a Holika Dahan is celebrated the day before the Holi. People burn their negativity on the Holika Vahan.

Another popular story linked with the Holi is about Lord Krishna and Radha. Holi is a playful love story about Krishna and Radha. According to mythology, Lord Krishna who was well-known for his naughty nature, griped to his mother about his dark skin tone in contrast to Radha’s beautiful complexion. In response, his mother suggested that he colour Radha’s face to match his colour. This playful act of colouring Radha’s face with colour eventually became the tradition of playing with colour and water. People play Holi and apply colour to their loved ones which symbolises love, friendship and the arrival of spring.

Holi has roots in ancient Indian rituals and agricultural practices. It is also believed to celebrate the fertility festival, the arrival of spring and the blossoming of new life. On Holi, farmers devote their prey to the god for a healthy harvest and perform rituals to ensure the fertility of their land. The celebration of Holi with colour and water also represents the colourful blooms of spring and the renewal of life in nature.


Over time, holidays became the universal celebration of joy, unity and togetherness. It is a world-famous festival now. It is celebrated with great enthusiasm in India as well as in many parts of the world. Holi festival is full of colour, music, delicious sweets, playful environment

When is Holika Dahan Celebrated?

Holika Dahan

Just a day before Holi, Holika Dahan takes place in which a person burns his evil deeds in a pile made of wood, grass and cow dung and takes a pledge to make a new beginning from the next day. The festival of Holi has been celebrated since very ancient times due to its cultural and traditional beliefs. On this ritual of Holi, people start making piles of wood and other flammable materials for the Holika Dahan ritual in the streets, parks, community centres, and areas around temples.

When is Holi Celebrated?

Holi 2024


Holi is celebrated at the end of winter annually, on the full moon in the March month or Phalguna month in the Hindu calendar. It is played throughout India but is mostly famous in northern regions, including Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Rajasthan, as well as in other states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, and West Bengal. Major cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Jaipur. Beyond India, Holi is also celebrated in countries like Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, etc where Indians exist.

Frequently Asked Questions on Holi

What is the real date of Holi?

25 March 2024 is the real date of Holi as per the Hindu Lunar calendar. The date of Holi changes every year.

What are the 2 days of Holi?


Holi is a festival of two days. On the first day, the Holika Dahan ceremony was held which symbolises the victory of good over evil. On the second day, people play with colour and water with their loved ones.

When and why Holi is celebrated?

Holi is celebrated on the last full moon of Phalgun month. It is celebrated to show love to their loved ones.

What is the full form of Holi?


Holi is a festival of colour. It is a term, there is no full form of it. If you are talking about slang HOLI, then it stands for High On Love Initially

Why Holi is celebrated with Colours?

Holi is celebrated with colors to symbolize the victory of good over evil and the arrival of spring.

What is the history of Holi for kids?


The history of Holi is linked with the legend of Prahlada and Holika. Prahlada was son of Hiranyakashyap.

Where is Holi first celebrated?

Every year, the Holi celebration first starts in the Barsana region of India including Mathura, Nandgaon, Vrindavan, etc.

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