Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Biography: Birth, Education, Life, Death

Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was the first Law Minister of independent India and the father of the Indian Constitution. He was a social reformer, a great economist, a political philosopher, a social reformer, a rational thinker, a great writer and orator, and a historical teacher. The sun has risen not only for the Dalits but also for the oppressed people. After Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. PR Ambedkar is hailed as the greatest leader of independent India. Let us see the biography and achievements of Dr. Ambedkar, the great sculptor who dedicated his entire life to society.

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Biography


  • Born: April 14, 1891
  • Place: Mau, Uttar Pradesh State, (now Madhya Pradesh), British India
  • Occupation: Law Minister of India, Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constitution of India.
  • Died: December 6, 1956
  • Nationality: Indian

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Babasaheb Bhimrao Dr. B.R. Ramji Ambedkacalleded Ambedkar, was born on April 14, 1891, in Mau, Uttar Pradesh, India (now in Madhya Pradesh). He was the fourteenth child in a Maratha family, from the Ramji Maloji Chakpal and Bhimabai. His father was employed as a military school instructor.


Early Life and Education:

 Bhimrao Ramji was born into the lower caste known as “Mahar,” and attended school in “Chatara” to further his education. When he was younger, he drank water from a separate earthen pot; the lower classes disembarked from horse-drawn carriages together with him; and he went through many pains and sorrows in school, including feeling excluded. However, a Brahmin teacher named Mahadeva Ambedkar became a person who was kind and loved him. As a result, he adopted the name Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar instead of Bhimrao Chakpal Ambawadekar for his family.

After his family relocated to Mumbai in 1904, he enrolled at Elphinstone High School to pursue further education. Despite his family’s poverty, he finished school in 1907. With the King of Baroda’s help, he continued his undergraduate education at the University of Bombay and earned a BA in Political Science and Economics in 1912. He also briefly held the position of army chief in the King of Baroda’s palace.

Travel to the USA for higher education:

With the assistance of King ‘Shayaji Rao’ of Baroda, he went to study in America. Ambedkar studied at Columbia University. Ambedkar studied economics, politics, philosophy, and sociology at Columbia University, becoming the first Indian to pursue a college education in the United States. His master’s degree in “The Trade of Ancient India” was awarded to him in 1915. Afterwards, Columbia University granted him a degree for his paper, “Indian Profit Share: A Historical Analysis.” He was awarded an MA in 1921 for his research on “Decentralisation of Public Finance in British India,” and a DSC in 1923 for his investigation into “The Problem of the Rupee.” He later earned a law degree, or “barrister degree.”


Social Work:

Ambedkar returned to India after 1923 and got involved in the fight against British imperialism there. Aside from that, he advised fighting for the economic and social systems to empower the underprivileged. He established “Bahiskrita Hitakarini Sabha” in July 1924 to uplift the downtrodden. By doing this, he advocated for the social rights and education of the oppressed. Before departing for the Round Table Conference in London in 1930, he declared, “I will fight for whatever is justly due to my people, and at the same time wholeheartedly support the demands of self-government”

The issue of representation was the main topic of discussion in the second round table. He demanded proportional representation and special voting rights for the oppressed. Consequently, the poorer classes received the “dual suffrage” system, which gave them one vote to elect a general candidate in one constituency and one vote to elect a lower-community candidate in the same constituency.  However, Gandhiji fasted in protest and refused to accept this. Consequently, on September 24, 1931, Gandhiji and Ambedkar signed the “Poona Pact,” which resolved against separate suffrage for the lower castes and in favour of distinct constituencies in general elections.


Ambedkar’s Actions Against Untouchability:

Ambedkar initiated the fight against untouchability atrocities on lower-class people in 1927, fiercely opposing both the caste system and the atrocities resulting from Varna Shirama Dharma. Subsequently, he was victorious in the 1930 protest against Nashik Temple admission. He introduced the Abolition of Untouchability Act because he believed that untouchability was a political as well as social issue. In 1956, he eventually embraced “Buddhism.”

Ambedkar’s contribution to India’s independent political system:

Following India’s independence, on August 15, 1947, Ambedkar was invited by the Congress government to assume the position of Law Minister. As a result, he was elected President of the Indian Constituent Assembly and the country’s first Law Minister upon independence. The Indian Constitution Drafting Committee, led by Ambedkar, presented the proposal to the Parliament on November 26, 1949. In addition to offering individuals’ rights protection in several ways, Ambedkar’s political system has been praised by historians as the “greatest social document.” However, he resigned from his position in 1951 because of differences with Nehru about bringing about this Act.

Obsession with Buddhism:

After realising that his Hinduism was a significant barrier to his social battle, he focused on Buddhist ideas. After 1950, seeing that his Hinduism was a significant barrier to his social battle, he focused on Buddhist ideas. He attended the World Buddhist Religious Conferences as well as the Buddhist Monks Seminar in Sri Lanka. He established the “Bharatiya Buddhist Mahasabha” in 1955. He penned “Buddha and His Dhamma” in 1956. Then, on October 14, 1956, he gave up all other religions and became a Buddhist.



Ambedkar’s condition worsened in 1955 due to his diabetes. On December 6, 1956, Babasaheb Dr. PR Ambedkar, who devoted his life to helping the oppressed, died in his Delhi home while he slept. Due to his intense Buddhist involvement, his body was cremated by Buddhist customs on the “Dadar Chowpati” beach. After his death, he was awarded India’s highest award, the Bharat Ratna Award, in 1990.

The great legal genius Babasaheb Dr. B.R., who created the constitution of independent India, was born into a community that was oppressed. Ambedkar. He was a man who, having learned about economics, politics, history, philosophy, and law, tore up the traditional pages of Indian history. A social activist and unmatched torchbearer, she represented the dawn of the oppressed people. Saying that a man like that sets an example for everyone is not hyperbole.

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