Complete List of Candidates for Uttarakhand Lok Sabha Election 2024

In Uttarakhand, a state surrounded by mountains, people are getting ready to vote in the Lok Sabha Election of 2024. Different parties have named their candidates for various areas. From Almora to Garhwal and Nainital-Udhamsingh Nagar, candidates from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Indian National Congress (INC), and Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) are competing.

The candidates include experienced politicians, new leaders, and local activists. They all want to represent the people and make decisions for the state’s future. For example, in Almora, candidates like Ajay Tamta from the BJP and Pradeep Tamta from the INC are running. Similarly, in Garhwal, Ganesh Godiyal from the INC is competing against Anil Baluni from the BJP.

In Hardwar, parties have chosen candidates like Jameel Ahmed from the BSP, Trivendra Singh Rawat from the BJP, and Virender Rawat from the INC. And in Nainital-Udhamsingh Nagar, contenders include Ajay Bhatt from the BJP, Prakash Joshi from the INC, and Akhtar Ali Mahigir from the BSP.

Tehri Garhwal, known for its beauty, has candidates like Neem Chand Chhuriyal from the BSP, Smt. Mala Rajya Laxmi Shah from the BJP, and Jot Singh Guntsola from the INC. Each candidate promises to solve local problems and help the area grow.


As people get ready to vote, they have many candidates to choose from. The Complete List of Candidates for the Uttarakhand Lok Sabha Election 2024 helps them understand who is running and what they stand for.

Candidates for Uttarakhand Lok Sabha Election 2024





Complete List of Candidates for Uttarakhand Lok Sabha Election 2024:-

Candidate Name Constituency Party
Ajay Tamta Almora BJP
Pradeep Tamta Almora INC
Narayan Ram Almora BSP
Ganesh Godiyal Garhwal INC
Bhim Singh Bisht Garhwal BSP
Anil Baluni Garhwal BJP
Jameel Ahmed Hardwar BSP
Trivendra Singh Rawat Hardwar BJP
Virender Rawat Hardwar INC
Ajay Bhatt Nainital-udhamsingh Nagar BJP
Prakash Joshi Nainital-udhamsingh Nagar INC
Akhtar Ali Mahigir Nainital-udhamsingh Nagar BSP
Neem Chand Chhuriyal Tehri Garhwal BSP
Smt. Mala Rajya Laxmi Shah Tehri Garhwal BJP
Jot Singh Guntsola Tehri Garhwal INC

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