“This Is Murder, Not Accident”: Family of Techie Killed in Pune Porsche Crash

"This Is Murder, Not Accident": Family of Techie Killed in Pune Porsche Crash

In a tragic incident that has stirred massive outrage, two young IT engineers, Aneesh Awadhiya and Ashwini Koshta, lost their lives in Pune after their bike was hit from behind by a speeding Porsche driven by a drunk teenager. The crash, which occurred in the early hours of Sunday, has led to severe backlash over the swift bail granted to the accused, raising questions about justice and accountability in such cases.




The Incident

Details of the Crash

On that fateful night, Aneesh Awadhiya and Ashwini Koshta were returning home from a get-together. At around 2:15 am, their bike was hit by a Porsche traveling at an alarming speed. Both engineers died instantly due to the severe impact. The driver, a 17-year-old boy, was reportedly under the influence of alcohol and driving without a valid license.

Immediate Aftermath

The teen driver, son of a prominent realtor in Pune, was apprehended but was granted bail within 15 hours of the incident. The conditions of his bail included writing a 300-word essay on accidents, working with the traffic police for 15 days, and undergoing counseling and treatment for his drinking habits. The swift bail has been a point of contention, leading to widespread anger and demands for stricter action.




Family Reactions

Aneesh Awadhiya’s Family

The family of Aneesh Awadhiya in Birsinghpur, Madhya Pradesh, is devastated. Aneesh’s grandfather, Atmaram Awadhiya, expressed profound grief and outrage. “This is not just an accident; it is murder,” he stated emphatically. The family is demanding that the bail granted to the accused be revoked and that stringent punishment be meted out to the teen driver.

Ashwini Koshta’s Family

Ashwini Koshta’s family in Jabalpur is equally shattered. Her uncle, Jugal Kishor Koshta, voiced his dismay at the leniency shown towards the accused. “She had so many dreams and ambitions,” he lamented, underscoring the profound loss and the injustice they feel. The family has pledged to fight for justice and is advocating for a thorough investigation into the accused and his parents.




Legal and Social Implications

Bail Controversy

The bail granted to the teen driver has sparked a significant controversy. Pune police had requested that the court try the accused as an adult, but this plea was rejected. The police are now planning to move the sessions court to reconsider the decision. This case highlights the broader debate about how juveniles are treated in the judicial system, especially in severe cases involving reckless behavior and fatalities.

Public Outrage and Demands for Justice

The public reaction to the incident has been one of outrage and demand for stricter justice. Many believe that the conditions of the bail are too lenient given the severity of the crime. There is a call for the judicial system to set a precedent that reckless and drunk driving, especially by underage individuals, will not be tolerated and will be met with severe consequences.





The tragic deaths of Aneesh Awadhiya and Ashwini Koshta have brought to light critical issues concerning road safety, juvenile justice, and accountability. The families of the victims, supported by public sentiment, are calling for justice and stringent punishment for the accused. This case serves as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of reckless driving and the urgent need for stricter enforcement of traffic laws and judicial measures to prevent such tragedies in the future.

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