List of Top 10 Largest Ocean in the World | Name, Size, Map Location

List of Top 10 Largest Ocean in the World

Earth’s oceans and seas are vast bodies of saltwater. They cover about 70% of the planet’s surface, shaping our climate, supporting marine life, and influencing global ecosystems. There are many oceans and seas around the world. Today we bring you a list of the 10 largest ocean in the world with their size and significance that provides insight into the planet’s natural wonders and the importance of preserving these invaluable resources.


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1. Pacific Ocean

Pacific Ocean

Area (Square Miles): 63,800,000


The Pacific Ocean is the world’s largest ocean,  it covers approximately half of the oceans on Earth. Hence, the ocean is incredibly vast, making up around one-third of the Earth’s surface, including land. Its total area is between 165,700,000 km2 and 165,700,000 km2. Through the Drake Passage, the Strait of Magellan, and the Panama Canal, this is connected to the Atlantic Ocean. There are over 25,000 islands in it, most of which are found south of the equator.  It has a depth of more than 4,280 metres where the Mariana Trench is located, the maximum depth on the planet: is 11,000 metres.


2. Atlantic Ocean

Atlantic Ocean

Area (Square Miles): 41,105,000

The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean in the world and covers about a quarter of the Earth’s oceans. It is approximately the same size as the Eurasian and African continents combined. It is connected to the Caribbean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Norwegian Sea, North Sea, Baltic Sea, Gulf of Saint Lawrence, English Channel, Sea of ​​Azov and the Gulf of Venezuela. It holds approximately 20% of the planet’s surface and 26% of the total submerged land. It is said that it is the youngest ocean on the planet. It has a depth of  3,900 metres and a maximum depth of 8,800 metres.



3. Indian Ocean

Indian Ocean

Area (Square Miles): 27,240,000

The Indian Ocean is the third largest ocean in the world. The Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Indian Ocean are collectively known as the “Three Oceans.” It is the largest ocean in surface area, with 73,556,000 km2 which includes the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. It is connected to the African, Asian and Oceanic continents and is considered the most polluted ocean on the planet. This ocean has an average depth of 4,200 metres and a maximum depth of 7,125 metres.



4. Antarctic Ocean (Southern Ocean)

Antarctic Ocean (Southern Ocean)

Area (Square Miles): 7,849,000

Generally speaking, it refers to the sea area south of 60 degrees south latitude. There are many theories, and there are some areas where the boundaries between oceans and other oceans are ambiguous. It is surrounded by the Antarctic as well as the Arctic. It is the only ocean which completely circles planet Earth. It has a depth of around 4,000 to 5,000 metres. This ocean is made by the glaciers and Antarctic ice sheets, which are increasing day by day due to global warming. It has two existing ports, McMurdo and Palmer. 


5. Arctic Ocean

Arctic Ocean

Area (Square Miles): 5,427,000


The Arctic Ocean is located near the North Pole, it is the smallest area in the ocean. Well, it is considered an ocean, but some theories suggest that it is a “sea” that forms part of the Atlantic Ocean. It holds an approximately circular basin and extends over an area of ​​around 14,056,000 km2 between America, Europe and Asia. It has a depth of 1,500 metres and a maximum depth of 5,450. The area of the ocean is equivalent to the area of Russia. It is said that there are four hundred animal species available in the Arctic Ocean like polar bears, seals, whales, etc.


6. Coral Sea

Area (Square Miles): 1,850,000

The Coral Sea is located in the Pacific Rim Sea, northeast of Australia. As the name suggests, it is a sea area with beautiful coral reefs and is also famous as the Great Barrier Reef. It is connected to the islands of Vanuatu, New Caledonia, and the Solomon Islands. Coral Sea covers approximately 4.8 million square kilometres and is considered one of the world’s largest seas in the world. It also holds the position in the UNESCO World Heritage Site because of its Great Barrier Reef, the world’s largest coral reef system which attracts millions of tourists and researchers annually.



7. Arabian Sea

Area (Square Miles): 1,491,000

The Arabian Sea is a sea on the edge of the Indian Ocean, located between the Arabian Peninsula and India. It is in the northwestern part of the Indian Ocean. Because it faces the oil field area of ​​the Persian Gulf, many tankers carrying crude oil come and go. It ranks as the third-largest body of water in the Indian Ocean. The Arabian Sea is home to many arrays of marine life, including fish, whales, dolphins, and sea turtles as well as coral reefs, mangrove forests, and sandy beaches. It also attracts millions of visitors every year.



8. South China Sea

Area (Square Miles): 1,400,000

The South China Sea is a marginal sea of ​​the Pacific Ocean and is also included in the Asia-Australia-Mediterranean Sea, which ranks first. As the name suggests, it is located in the south of China and is home to the Spratly Islands, which are claimed by many countries. It contains more than 200 islands and maintains many rivers from the sea like the Pearl River, the Min River and the Jiulong River, etc.


9. Caribbean Sea

Area (Square Miles): 1,063,000


The Caribbean Sea forms part of the American Mediterranean Sea, which ranks fourth in the Atlantic Ocean. The sea is also famous as the setting for Pirates of the Caribbean. It is believed that this sea is 160 and 180 million years old and was formed by a fracture of the continent called Pangea in the Mesozoic Era. Its deepest point is equal to the Cayman Islands trench, which is about 7,686 metres below sea level.


10. Mediterranean Sea

Area (Square Miles): 970,000

The familiar Mediterranean Sea is located on the margins of the Atlantic Ocean and is surrounded by Europe and Africa. It is sometimes called the “European/North African Mediterranean Sea” to distinguish it from the Asia-Australia Mediterranean Sea and the American Mediterranean Sea. It is a sea with the highest rates of hydrocarbons and pollution in the world.


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