Festival of Colours: Holi is coming soon.and preparations for it are already started. Holi is on 25th March 2024 this year and everyone is all geared up with their preparations to have a blast on this Holi. Splash of coloured water, colours in the sky and air Holi is all about colours. People play rigorously with all types of colours on Holi, be it natural colours, Gulal-Abir or colours which have harsh chemicals in them. Holi is too much fun but It is a huge task itself to remove the colours from the skin. You can remove these colours by using the right product in the correct order. People who admire Dadi maa ke Nuskhe can use home made Ubatan and masks to remove these stubborn colours. Everything works really well if given proper time, follow instructions and the right amount of product. Check out our guild on how to remove Holi colours from face, neck, hands and other body parts.
Step-By-Step Guide To Remove Holi Colour From Face
1. Dry-Wipe your skin
Firstly you should wipe all the dry dirt and colour present on your skin using dry wipes or towels or clean some cloth. Because some dry colours may contain some chemicals that in reaction with water stay permanently on your skin for a long time period.
2. Use Wet Wipes
Now it’s the time to use wet wipes in which certain types of soothing skin care ingredients are present like hyaluronic acid, vitamin E etc. This way your skin will get hydrated and can breathe.
3. Massage with Oil
This step is very crucial because oil massage gives skin a shine, removes dirt and colours, increases blood circulation and nourishes it. You can use virgin coconut, almond jojoba or olive oil to massage. Oil can leach out the stubborn chemical which water cannot pull out from your skin. Use circular motion on the face and it works like magic.
4. Wash face with Face Cleanser
Use a hydrating face wash to maintain the skin’s softness. Face Wash will remove all the grease, dirt and oil along with colours from your face.
5. Use Scrub
After cleansing scrubbing is a must to remove all the dirt and colours. It opens all the clogged pores removing all the dirt and grease. Use a mind scrub and get a squeaky shiny skin.
6. Apply Face Mask
Now it’s time to apply a face mask. You can make it at home too with yoghurt, lemon juice, honey and gram flour. Apply the mask for at least 15 minutes and wash it off by rubbing in circular motion and get supple and soft skin. You can use a clay mask for oily skin and a creamy one for dry skin.
7. Use a Toner
After the double cleansing, you should apply a suitable toner to close the opened pores and balance the pH of the skin. It prevents breakouts and dryness.
8. Time to Moisturise
In the end don’t forget to Moisturise the skin. You can use gel based moisturiser if you have sensitive mixed skin.
9. Don’t forget the Sunscreen
Sunscreen is a must in skin care so why forget it on Holi. Use a lightweight, broad spectrum gel based sunscreen because it’s simply the best!
Some extra tips:
Have patience while removing Holi colours, don’t use hot water, always use Lukewarm or cold water.
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