Top 10 Highest Mountains in the World in 2024 l Tallest Mountains List

top highest mountain in the world 2024

Mountains, with their soaring peaks and majestic landscapes, have long captivated the human imagination. Standing as silent sentinels against the sky, they evoke a sense of awe and wonder, challenging us to explore their heights and mysteries. Among the most renowned mountain ranges globally, the Himalayas, nestled in the heart of Asia, boast some of the world’s tallest summits.

In this article, we embark on a journey to explore the top 10 highest mountains in the World, each a testament to the Earth’s geological wonders and human perseverance. From the iconic Mount Everest to the formidable Mount K2, these peaks hold a special place in the hearts of adventurers and nature enthusiasts alike.

Mount Everest, the tallest mountain on Earth, stands as a beacon of human achievement and determination. Rising to an astonishing height of 29,029 feet above sea level, Everest has beckoned climbers from across the globe to test their limits and reach for the sky. Its snow-capped summit, shrouded in myth and legend, remains one of the most coveted destinations for mountaineers.


As we journey through the list of these towering giants, we’ll discover the unique features and challenges posed by each mountain. From the treacherous slopes of K2 to the serene beauty of Mount Kanchenjunga, each peak has its own story to tell, shaped by centuries of geological activity and human exploration.

Join us as we delve into the world of high-altitude adventure and uncover the secrets of the Himalayan peaks. Whether you’re an avid mountaineer or simply an armchair traveler, there’s something magical about these mountains that continues to inspire and captivate us all. So lace up your boots, pack your bags, and let’s embark on an unforgettable journey to the top of the world.

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List of Top 10 Highest Mountains in the World

Mountain Location Height (feet)
Mount Everest Nepal 29,029
Mount K2 Pakistan 28,251
Mount Kanchenjunga Nepal-India border 28,169
Mount Lhotse Tibet (China) and Khumbu (Nepal) 27,940
Mount Makalu Nepal 27,825
Mount Cho Oyu Nepal-China border 26,906
Mount Dhaulagiri Nepal 26,795
Mount Manaslu Western part of Nepal 26,763
Nanga Parbat Pakistan 26,660
Mount Annapurna Nepal 26,545



1. Mount Everest

Mount Everest


Location: Nepal

Height: 290, 29 feet

Mount Everest is the highest summit in the world, and it was first climbed by Sir Edmund Hillaryand Tensing Norgay in 1953. This mountain is in an autonomous region of Tibet. Mount Everest has a height of 8848 m, which is 29029 feet. The length of this mountain attracts many climbers with limited or advanced climbing skills. In the climbing world, Mount Everest is the aim of many people.




2. Mount K2

Mount K2

Location: Pakistan

Height: 28251 feet


After Mount Everest, Mount K2 is the second-highest mountain worldwide; it is located in China and Pakistan. The nickname of K2 is Savage Mountain, which is one of the toughest mountains in the world to climb and even harder than Mount Everest. Despite its place on the second page, it is still the heart of the mountain to climb. This mountain has the second-highest fertility rate among the 8,000 climbers, with an average of four people who reach the summit, one of whom always. The first person who ascended K2 was an Italian, Mr. Ardito.



3. Mount Kanchenjunga

Mount Kanchenjunga


Location: Nepal-India border

Height: 28169 feet

Mount Kanchenjunga is the third mountain on the list of the highest mountains in the world, with a height of 8586 m, or 28169. This mountain is located on the border of Nepal and India. Kanchenjunga is the highest peak in India, and the name of the surrounding section is the Five Treasures of Snow, as it has five peaks within it. The five treasures of snow represent the information of the gods, which are holy books in multiple green and precious metals like gold and silver. The British team of Mr. Joe I. Brown and George Band were the first to reach the peak of Mount Kanchenjunga on May 25, 1955.





4. Mount Lhotse

Mount Lhotse

Location: Tibet (China) and Khumbu (Nepal)


Height: 27940 feet

This mountain is located near Mount Everest and is famous for being the 4th highest mountain in the world. Mount Hotse is located between China and Nepal with a height of 279405 in an autonomous region. This mount has the same route as Everest until Camp 3, then you need to take another road from where you will reach the peak of Hotse. This mountain was climbed by Mr. Fritz Luchsinger and Ernst Reiss from Switzerland on May 18, 1956. This mountain has two faces with different heights, where the south face is raised by 3.2 km and is 2.25 km wide, which makes it the steepest phase worldwide. This mountain is very difficult to climb, and only a few people were able to win it.




5. Mount Makalu

Mount Makalu

Location: Nepal

Height: 27.825 feet.

The fifth-highest mountain in the world is Mount Makalu, with a height of 8481 m, or 27825 feet. This mountain is situated in the south-east of Mount Everest, which is on the border of Pakistan and China. William CV was the first person to climb this mountain, which was led by an American team in the spring of 1954. This summit was mostly not possible because all 10 members of the expedition team reached the summit. At that time, it was not possible because only one or two climbers were able to reach the top of the mountain during the expedition, and this was the first team where all the members reached the summit.




6. Mount Cho Oyu

Location: Nepal-China border

Height: 26906 feet


The mountain has the highest six pieces in the world. This mountain is 818 metres tall and stands in an autonomous region of Nepal or Tibet. This mountain is the easiest to climb because it has gentle slopes while ascending. Photographer singer. Jis Mountain is the easiest to ascend because of its lack of danger. This mountain was first climbed by Australian Joseph J. Chimer in October 1995, and then by Herbert Teaching of Italy and Pasang Dava Lama of Nepal.



7. Mount Dhaulagiri

Location: Nepal


Height: 26795 feet

This mountain is the seventh-highest worldwide, with a height of 26795 feet (8167 m). This mountain is located in Nepal. Dhaulagiri is a Sanskrit word that means Darjeeling white beauty, and Giri means mountain in Hindi. This mountain was first submitted by the Australian Nepali Sweet Expedition, which was completed on May 13, 1960. Dhaulagiri is one of the most aesthetic and beautiful mountains in the world and is best known for the Annapurna Circuit. This mountain is divided by the world’s deepest gorge, which is Kali Gandgi Gorge.




8. Mount Manaslu

Location: western part of Nepal

Height: 2 6763 ft.

Manasulu comes in at the top of the list of the highest mountains in the world. It stands at a height of 26763 feet, or 8163 m. Manasulu, Western Central part of Nepal, in monthly miles Manasulu is a word from Sanskrit Manasa that means intellect or soul, which means mountain. This mountain was first climbed by Toshiyo Himanshi and Gyalzan members of the Japanese expedition who completed their summation in May 1956. Manasulu has an average height; that’s why it is popular among average climbers who are looking to climb a peak of 8000 m.




9. Nanga parbat

Location: Pakistan

Height: 26660 feet

Nanga Parvat is a part of Western Himalaya, and it is the 9th highest mountain worldwide in the Gilgit Baltistan region of Pakistan in western Himalaya. Like other mountains, this mountain is called nanga or parvata. Both names come from the Sanskrit language, which means naked mountain, but Tibetans call it diamer, which means use my mountain. This mountain is one of the most difficult to climb, but it is not very dangerous to climb. It was an Australian Harman bhal who first climbed Nanga Parvat in 1953.




10. Mount Annapurna

Location: Nepal

Height: 26545 feet


Mount Annapurna comes at the end of our list of the highest mountains, and it is a series of pictures in which the highest mountain is called Annapurna first. Mountain Pune stands at a height of 26545 feet, or 8091 m. This mountain is the most dangerous mountain to climb. The rate of successful summation is only 40%, and it has six major peaks. Annapurna one, Annapurna second, Annapurna third, Annapurna fourth, Gangapurna, then Annapurna south. This mounta

It was first climbed by Maurice Herzog and Louis Lachanal on June 3, 1950.

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