Antonyms: List of 500+ Opposite Words To Enhance Your English Vocabulary

Antonyms: List of 500+ Opposite Words To Enhance Your English Vocabulary

If you are preparing for any government exam or even for the school exams you must know that in English papers there are always questions on the opposite words. The opposite words are also known as antonyms and today in this article will provide you with more than 500 opposite words. Antonyms appear in words where both the words have different meanings but you must understand that both of these words are exact opposite of each other. In order to get an advantage against your peers in the English exam you must learn all of these opposite words.


Also Read: 


Rhyming Words in English: Creative Uses and 500 Examples

Trick to solve Antonyms in Exam

The opposite words question is one of the most scoring questions in any English exam that you can find. These questions are very easy and can be solved with little tricks. First inform rather than finding the right opposite word for the question mixture that you first check out all the four available options. There are highly chances that three out of 4 options will have similar meanings or will be synonymous and the remaining one will be your answer. While setting the paper the examiner tries to confuse the students by giving synonyms in the options so even if you don’t understand the word that is asked in the question make sure that you read the options properly and you might find that there are some options that means exactly the same or are related to one another in the odd one out will always be your answer.




Importance of learning opposite words

So you must be wondering what is the importance of learning these opposite words other than the exams that we are taking. The Antonyms and synonyms constitute a great part of the vocabulary. In the English language it is important that you remember the opposite words of different vocab. Furthermore, opposite words also help you in dancing your writing skills. You are able to write more beautifully and articulately. Someshwar that you have a thoro understanding and learning of the opposite words.





List of 500 opposite words

 Below we have provided the alphabetical list of 500 opposite words. We hope that recover all the grounds and provide you with a better understanding of the English vocabulary.

  1. Above – Below
  2. Absent – Present
  3. Accept – Reject
  4. Accurate – Inaccurate
  5. Achieve – Fail
  6. Add – Subtract
  7. Admit – Deny
  8. Afraid – Brave
  9. After – Before
  10. Against – For
  11. Agree – Disagree
  12. Alive – Dead
  13. Always – Never
  14. Ancient – Modern
  15. Angel – Devil
  16. Angry – Calm
  17. Answer – Question
  18. Anterior – Posterior
  19. Apart – Together
  20. Appear – Disappear
  21. Approve – Disapprove
  22. Ascend – Descend
  23. Attack – Defend
  24. Attract – Repel
  25. Awake – Asleep
  26. Backward – Forward
  27. Bad – Good
  28. Beautiful – Ugly
  29. Begin – End
  30. Belief – Doubt
  31. Big – Small
  32. Bitter – Sweet
  33. Black – White
  34. Bless – Curse
  35. Blunt – Sharp
  36. Boy – Girl
  37. Break – Mend
  38. Bright – Dark
  39. Build – Destroy
  40. Buy – Sell
  41. Calm – Stormy
  42. Careful – Careless
  43. Catch – Release
  44. Cheerful – Gloomy
  45. Clean – Dirty
  46. Clear – Unclear
  47. Close – Open
  48. Cold – Hot
  49. Comfort – Discomfort
  50. Common – Rare
  51. Connect – Disconnect
  52. Construct – Deconstruct
  53. Contribute – Withhold
  54. Cool – Warm
  55. Courageous – Cowardly
  56. Create – Destroy
  57. Cruel – Kind
  58. Cry – Laugh
  59. Cursed – Blessed
  60. Dangerous – Safe
  61. Dark – Light
  62. Day – Night
  63. Dead – Alive
  64. Deep – Shallow
  65. Defeat – Victory
  66. Defend – Attack
  67. Delay – Hasten
  68. Demand – Supply
  69. Dense – Sparse
  70. Depend – Rely
  71. Despair – Hope
  72. Difficult – Easy
  73. Dirty – Clean
  74. Disappear – Appear
  75. Discover – Conceal
  76. Dislike – Like
  77. Dissolve – Solidify
  78. Divide – Unite
  79. Doctor – Patient
  80. Dry – Wet
  81. Early – Late
  82. Earn – Spend
  83. Easy – Difficult
  84. Empty – Full
  85. End – Begin
  86. Enemy – Friend
  87. Enter – Exit
  88. Equal – Unequal
  89. Expand – Contract
  90. Export – Import
  91. Expose – Conceal
  92. Fail – Succeed
  93. Fall – Rise
  94. False – True
  95. Far – Near
  96. Fast – Slow
  97. Fat – Thin
  98. Few – Many
  99. Finish – Start
  100. Fire – Water
  101. First – Last
  102. Float – Sink
  103. Folly – Wisdom
  104. Forget – Remember
  105. Free – Bound
  106. Fresh – Stale
  107. Front – Back
  108. Future – Past
  109. Gain – Loss
  110. Generous – Stingy
  111. Gentle – Rough
  112. Gift – Curse
  113. Give – Take
  114. Glorious – Humble
  115. God – Devil
  116. Gold – Silver
  117. Grace – Disgrace
  118. Grant – Deny
  119. Great – Small
  120. Grow – Shrink
  121. Guest – Host
  122. Guilty – Innocent
  123. Happy – Sad
  124. Hard – Soft
  125. Hate – Love
  126. Healthy – Sick
  127. Heaven – Hell
  128. Heavy – Light
  129. Here – There
  130. High – Low
  131. Honor – Dishonor
  132. Hope – Despair
  133. Hot – Cold
  134. Huge – Tiny
  135. Humble – Proud
  136. Husband – Wife
  137. Identify – Misidentify
  138. Idle – Active
  139. Ignorant – Knowledgeable
  140. Illegal – Legal
  141. Illusion – Reality
  142. Import – Export
  143. In – Out
  144. Include – Exclude
  145. Increase – Decrease
  146. Individual – Collective
  147. Inferior – Superior
  148. Inhale – Exhale
  149. Inhale – Exhale
  150. Innocent – Guilty
  151. Inside – Outside
  152. Intense – Mild
  153. Intentional – Accidental
  154. Interior – Exterior
  155. Interesting – Boring
  156. Invite – Repel
  157. Irritate – Soothe
  158. Join – Separate
  159. Joy – Sorrow
  160. Justice – Injustice
  161. Keep – Release
  162. Kind – Cruel
  163. King – Subject
  164. Knowledge – Ignorance
  165. Large – Small
  166. Last – First
  167. Laugh – Cry
  168. Law – Chaos
  169. Lazy – Industrious
  170. Lead – Follow
  171. Left – Right
  172. Lengthen – Shorten
  173. Less – More
  174. Light – Heavy
  175. Like – Dislike
  176. Limited – Unlimited
  177. Little – Much
  178. Live – Die
  179. Long – Short
  180. Lose – Win
  181. Lose – Gain
  182. Loud – Quiet
  183. Love – Hate
  184. Low – High
  185. Major – Minor
  186. Man – Woman
  187. Many – Few
  188. Master – Servant
  189. Maximum – Minimum
  190. Mend – Break
  191. Mercy – Cruelty
  192. Middle – Edge
  193. Mind – Body
  194. Minority – Majority
  195. Misery – Happiness
  196. Moderate – Extreme
  197. Modern – Ancient
  198. Moist – Dry
  199. Monster – Angel
  200. More – Less


  1. Narrow – Wide
  2. Near – Far
  3. Necessary – Unnecessary
  4. Negative – Positive
  5. Never – Always
  6. New – Old
  7. Night – Day
  8. No – Yes
  9. Noise – Silence
  10. Normal – Abnormal
  11. North – South
  12. Nothing – Everything
  13. Obey – Defy
  14. Objective – Subjective
  15. Obscure – Clear
  16. Obtain – Lose
  17. Off – On
  18. Offend – Please
  19. Offer – Refuse
  20. Open – Close
  21. Opponent – Ally
  22. Order – Chaos
  23. Ordinary – Extraordinary
  24. Organize – Disorganize
  25. Original – Copy
  26. Out – In
  27. Over – Under
  28. Pain – Pleasure
  29. Palatable – Unpalatable
  30. Parallel – Perpendicular
  31. Parent – Child
  32. Partial – Complete
  33. Past – Future
  34. Patient – Impatient
  35. Peace – War
  36. Permanent – Temporary
  37. Permit – Forbid
  38. Pessimist – Optimist
  39. Plain – Fancy
  40. Please – Offend
  41. Plentiful – Scarce
  42. Plus – Minus
  43. Polite – Rude
  44. Poor – Rich
  45. Possible – Impossible
  46. Potential – Actual
  47. Poverty – Wealth
  48. Power – Weakness
  49. Practical – Impractical
  50. Present – Absent
  51. Pretty – Ugly
  52. Pride – Humility
  53. Primary – Secondary
  54. Prime – Worst
  55. Principal – Subordinate
  56. Prior – Later
  57. Private – Public
  58. Problem – Solution
  59. Profane – Sacred
  60. Profit – Loss
  61. Progress – Regression
  62. Promise – Break
  63. Proper – Improper
  64. Protect – Endanger
  65. Proud – Ashamed
  66. Pull – Push
  67. Pure – Impure
  68. Quiet – Noisy
  69. Rare – Common
  70. Rational – Irrational
  71. Raw – Cooked
  72. Read – Write
  73. Real – Fake
  74. Reality – Illusion
  75. Receive – Send
  76. Recede – Advance
  77. Recognize – Ignore
  78. Reconcile – Conflict
  79. Reduce – Increase
  80. Reflect – Absorb
  81. Refuse – Accept
  82. Regular – Irregular
  83. Reject – Accept
  84. Release – Detain
  85. Relevant – Irrelevant
  86. Remember – Forget
  87. Remove – Insert
  88. Repair – Damage
  89. Reply – Ignore
  90. Require – Dispense
  91. Resilient – Fragile
  92. Resist – Submit
  93. Responsible – Irresponsible
  94. Rest – Work
  95. Restrict – Free
  96. Return – Depart
  97. Reverse – Forward
  98. Rich – Poor
  99. Right – Wrong
  100. Rise – Fall
  101. Rough – Smooth
  102. Rude – Polite
  103. Safe – Dangerous
  104. Same – Different
  105. Save – Spend
  106. Scatter – Gather
  107. Scold – Praise
  108. Sealed – Open
  109. Search – Find
  110. Second – First
  111. Secure – Insecure
  112. Sedentary – Active
  113. See – Blind
  114. Seize – Release
  115. Selfish – Selfless
  116. Sell – Buy
  117. Senior – Junior
  118. Sense – Nonsense
  119. Separate – Unite
  120. Serious – Playful
  121. Settle – Stir
  122. Sharp – Dull
  123. Short – Tall
  124. Shrink – Expand
  125. Shy – Bold
  126. Sick – Healthy
  127. Silence – Noise
  128. Simple – Complex
  129. Single – Married
  130. Sink – Float
  131. Sinner – Saint
  132. Sincere – Insincere
  133. Sit – Stand
  134. Skillful – Clumsy
  135. Skinny – Fat
  136. Slave – Master
  137. Slow – Fast
  138. Small – Big
  139. Smart – Stupid
  140. Smooth – Rough
  141. Sober – Drunk
  142. Soft – Hard
  143. Solid – Liquid
  144. Some – None
  145. Soon – Later
  146. Sorry – Unapologetic
  147. Sour – Sweet
  148. Specific – General
  149. Spend – Save
  150. Spite – Kindness
  151. Start – Finish
  152. Stay – Leave
  153. Steal – Return
  154. Sticky – Slippery
  155. Stop – Go
  156. Straight – Curved
  157. Strange – Familiar
  158. Strength – Weakness
  159. Stress – Relax
  160. Strict – Lenient
  161. Strike – Spare
  162. Strong – Weak
  163. Stubborn – Flexible
  164. Stupid – Smart
  165. Subject – Object
  166. Subtract – Add
  167. Success – Failure
  168. Superior – Inferior
  169. Supply – Demand
  170. Support – Oppose
  171. Sweet – Bitter
  172. Synchronize – Desynchronize
  173. Tall – Short
  174. Tame – Wild
  175. Teacher – Student
  176. Temporary – Permanent
  177. Tender – Tough
  178. Terrible – Wonderful
  179. Test – Trust
  180. Thick – Thin
  181. Tight – Loose
  182. Timid – Bold
  183. Tired – Energetic
  184. Together – Apart
  185. Top – Bottom
  186. Total – Partial
  187. Touch – Avoid
  188. Toward – Away
  189. Traditional – Modern
  190. Transparent – Opaque
  191. Trash – Treasure
  192. True – False
  193. Trust – Doubt
  194. Truth – Lie
  195. Ugly – Beautiful
  196. Unaware – Conscious
  197. Unemployed – Employed
  198. Unhappy – Happy
  199. Unique – Common
  200. United – Divided
  201. Unknown – Known
  202. Up – Down
  203. Useful – Useless
  204. Vacation – Work
  205. Valuable – Worthless
  206. Vanish – Appear
  207. Vast – Limited
  208. Victory – Defeat
  209. Vigorous – Weak
  210. Virtue – Vice
  211. Visible – Invisible
  212. Visit – Depart
  213. Vital – Irrelevant
  214. Vocal – Silent
  215. Voluntary – Involuntary
  216. Volunteer – Recruit
  217. Wait – Proceed
  218. Walk – Run
  219. Warm – Cold
  220. Waste – Conserve
  221. Weak – Strong
  222. Wealth – Poverty
  223. Well – Ill
  224. Wet – Dry
  225. Whole – Part
  226. Wide – Narrow
  227. Wild – Tame
  228. Win – Lose
  229. Wisdom – Folly
  230. Wise – Foolish
  231. Withdraw – Advance
  232. Worry – Relax
  233. Worse – Better
  234. Worst – Best
  235. Worthless – Valuable
  236. Wrong – Right
  237. Yes – No
  238. Yesterday – Tomorrow
  239. Yield – Resist
  240. Young – Old
  241. Youth – Elderly
  242. Zeal – Apathy
  243. Zenith – Nadir
  244. Zigzag – Straight
  245. Zip – Unzip
  246. Zest – Apathy
  247. Zeal – Apathy
  248. Zero – Infinity
  249. Zenith – Nadir
  250. Youth – Elderly
  251. Yesterday – Tomorrow
  252. Yield – Resist
  253. Yes – No
  254. Worse – Better
  255. Wisdom – Folly
  256. Wild – Tame
  257. Wide – Narrow
  258. Whole – Part
  259. Wealth – Poverty
  260. Weak – Strong
  261. Waste – Conserve
  262. Walk – Run
  263. Wait – Proceed
  264. Volunteer – Recruit
  265. Vocal – Silent
  266. Vital – Irrelevant
  267. Visit – Depart
  268. Visible – Invisible
  269. Virtue – Vice
  270. Vigorous – Weak
  271. Victory – Defeat
  272. Vast – Limited
  273. Vanish – Appear
  274. Valuable – Worthless
  275. Vacation – Work
  276. Useful – Useless
  277. Up – Down
  278. Unknown – Known
  279. United – Divided
  280. Unique – Common
  281. Unhappy – Happy
  282. Unemployed – Employed
  283. Unaware – Conscious
  284. Ugly – Beautiful
  285. Truth – Lie
  286. Trust – Doubt
  287. True – False
  288. Trash – Treasure
  289. Transparent – Opaque
  290. Traditional – Modern
  291. Toward – Away
  292. Touch – Avoid
  293. Total – Partial
  294. Top – Bottom
  295. Together – Apart
  296. Tired – Energetic
  297. Timid – Bold
  298. Tight – Loose
  299. Thick – Thin
  300. Test – Trust

So these were the 500 opposite words that you can learn to improve your English and score well in your competitive exams.




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