Ram Navami 2024 | Why is Ram Navami Celebrated ? What is the story behind Ram Navami ?

Vasant Ram Navami is a Hindu festival which celebrates the birth of lord Rama, Maryada Purushottam who is considered as the 7th Avatar of Lord Vishnu. It is believed that on this day Shri Ram was born in Ayodhya nagari near the Saryu river. Ramayana the famous epic and religious Hindu scripture is written in the life events of Shri Rama, his wife Sita Mata and his enemy Ravana. There are two main Ram Navami celebrations throughout the year. Vasant Ram Navami is the first Ram Navami and falls on the last day of spring festival Navratri. On the ninth day of spring Navratri people celebrate Ram Navami.

According to the Hindu calendar Panchang Vasant Navratri falls on the first month, Charitra. On the 9th tithi of paksha of Chaitra man ram navami is celebrated. Ramnavami falls in the month of March or April according to the Gregorian Calendar every year. This year ram navami will be celebrated on 17th April 2024. 

Ram Navami 2024

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Why is Ram Navami celebrated? 

Why is Ram Navami celebrated? 

Ram Navami is one of the most important and the oldest festivals of India. The celebrations of Ram Navami have its roots back to the pre Christian area because Hinduism is the oldest religion. In many Hindu scriptures there is mention of the celebration of Ram Navami and legends about it such as Kalika puran, Brahma Samhita and Valmiki Ramayana etc. Ramnavami is considered as one of the five main Holy Hindu festivals. It is believed that fasting and praying on this day with the worship of lord Rama one can attain spiritual growth and salvation. 


It is believed among Hindu’s that on this day around 5114 BC Shri Ram was born to the king Ayodhya (an ancient city in present day Uttar Pradesh) Dashrath. Dashrath had 3 wives whose names were Kaushalya, Sumitra and Kaikeyi. Despite this Dashrath did not have any male child who could one day take the throne and manage and spread his kingdom. One day an agreed sage named Vashishtha gave me my advice to perform Putra Kameshti yagna. Which was a holy ritual performed to get the boon of male child. Dashrath ordered the great sage Maharshi Rushya Shrunga to perform the yagna with proper rituals. After the rituals Maharshi Rushya Shrunga gave Raja Dashratha an apple as Prasad and told him to distribute it among his wifes. Dashratha gave one fourth portion of the apple to the eldest wife Kaushlya and second one fourth portion was given to second wife Kaikeyi and the rest half portion was given to the youngest Sumitra. After some time, as a result both Kaushalya and Kaikayi gave Birth to one son each and Sumitra gave birth to twin sons. 

Raja Dashratha and all the people of Ayodhya were so pleased, relieved and amazed by this miracle they rejoiced and thanked God and celebrated the day with great enthusiasm. The eldest son of the eldest wife Kaushalya was given the name Rama which means who is everywhere, within everything. Rama is considered as the seventh incarnation of Hindu god lord Vishnu. The second song was given the name Bharata and twin brothers got the names Lakshmana and Shatrughna. All the incidents are mentioned in Valmiki Ramayana with each detail and in a very poetic and creative manner. It is said that lord Vishnu was incarnated as lord Rama to restore Dharma on earth and annihilate evil and atrocities over mankind. 

Before Rama could become the ruler of Ayodhya he was sent to a 14 year exile in the forest by his second mother with his wife and younger brother Lakshmana. During his exile Ravana the demon king of Lanka captured and abducted Mata Sita, Ram’s wife. To set her free, bring her home back and save all the people from the atrocities given by Ravana, Ram killed Ravana. This day is celebrated as Dussehra, a victory of truth and goodness over evil. 


Significance of Ram Navami

Significance of Ram Navami

Ram Navami  commemorates the birth of Lord Rama. It is a very important festival in Hinduism. It is celebrated as the birth of Lord Rama. The festival represents virtue, morality, and the victory of good over evil. Lord Rama is said to be the seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu. Lord Rama’s birth is seen as a time of divine intervention to defend Dharma and vanquish evil, according to Hindu texts like the Ramayana. 

After the spring Navratri festival, the celebration takes place on the ninth day of the Chaitra month of hindu calendar. The festival is rooted firmly in Hindu traditions.  It reflects spiritual growth and the quest of virtue. It also has historical and cultural significance. Devotees strive for spiritual advancement and divine favors through fasting, prayer, and worship.

Ram Navami is more than just a celebration; it has deep spiritual lessons and ethical principles. The celebration of Lord Rama’s birth promotes social harmony and spiritual development by reinforcing the age-old lessons of duty, compassion, and truth.


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