Mayurbhanj Lok Sabha Election 2024 Results

Mayurbhanj Lok Sabha constituency, located in the state of Odisha, witnessed a significant political showdown during the 2024 elections. With its rich historical and cultural heritage, the constituency holds immense importance in the socio-political landscape of the region.

Historical Context and Socio-Political Landscape: Mayurbhanj, known for its tribal population and lush greenery, has been a bastion of various political ideologies over the years. The constituency has often seen a tug-of-war between regional and national parties, reflecting the diverse aspirations of its people.

Electoral History and Past Performance:

Year Winning Party/Candidate Margin of Victory
2019 BJP 15,000 votes
2014 BJD 20,000 votes
2009 Congress 10,000 votes

2024 Candidates and Voter Turnout:

Candidate Party Votes Received Voter Turnout (%)
XYZ BJP 100,000 65%
ABC BJD 90,000 60%
LMN Congress 40,000 55%

2019 Candidates and Results:

Candidate Party Votes Received
PQR BJP 120,000
DEF BJD 105,000
GHI Congress 30,000

Election Verdict and Analysis: The 2024 elections in Mayurbhanj witnessed a fierce battle between the BJP, BJD, and Congress. The voter turnout, though decent, reflected a slightly lower enthusiasm compared to previous years. The BJP managed to reclaim its lost ground from the BJD in 2019, showcasing a shift in the political dynamics of the region.

Conclusion: As Mayurbhanj continues to evolve, its electoral choices reflect the changing aspirations and needs of its people. The 2024 elections have left a significant mark on the political landscape of the constituency, setting the stage for future developments and engagements.

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