Araku Lok Sabha Election 2024 Results

Araku, nestled amidst the picturesque hills of Andhra Pradesh, is a constituency of great natural beauty and cultural significance. The Lok Sabha Election in 2024 brought forth significant developments and shifts in the political dynamics of this serene region.

Historical Context and Socio-Political Landscape

Araku boasts a unique socio-political fabric shaped by its indigenous communities and breathtaking landscapes. The constituency has been a focal point of political activity, with various parties vying for influence over the years.

Araku Lok Sabha Election 2024 Results Table

Candidate Party Votes Received
Candidate 1 Party A XXXXX
Candidate 2 Party B XXXXX
Candidate 3 Party C XXXXX
Others/Independent XXXXX

Electoral History and Past Performance

Araku has a history of closely contested elections, with political parties engaging in fierce electoral battles. The constituency’s electorate has shown a propensity for change, often influencing the outcome of elections.

2024 Candidates and Voter Turnout

The 2024 Lok Sabha Election in Araku witnessed a diverse array of candidates representing various political parties. The voter turnout reflected the electorate’s engagement with the democratic process and their determination to shape the future of the constituency.


2019 Candidates and Results

In the previous Lok Sabha Election held in 2019, Araku saw intense competition between rival political parties. The outcome of the election had a significant impact on the socio-political dynamics of the constituency.

Election Verdict and Analysis

The verdict of the 2024 Lok Sabha Election in Araku holds immense significance for the future trajectory of the constituency. An analysis of the results provides valuable insights into the preferences and priorities of the electorate.



As Araku navigates the aftermath of the 2024 Lok Sabha Election, it stands poised on the cusp of change and transformation. The electoral outcome sets the stage for new possibilities and challenges, shaping the destiny of the constituency in the years to come.

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