Numbers in Words: Number Names and Examples from 1 to 1000

Numbers in Words: Number Names and Examples from 1 to 1000

Numbers in words are written using the English language to express numerical values. For example, the number 100 can be expressed as “one hundred.” Numbers can range from zero to very large values, and each number has its own unique word representation. Here are some basics of writing numbers in words:– Units: Numbers from 0 to 9 have unique names. For example, 0 is “zero,” 1 is “one,” 2 is “two,” and so on:

Tens: Numbers from 10 to 19 have specific names such as “ten,” “eleven,” “twelve,” and so on up to “nineteen.”Multiples of Ten: Numbers that are multiples of ten (such as 20, 30, 40) are expressed using words like “twenty,” “thirty,” “forty,” and so on.

Hundreds: Numbers in the hundreds are expressed as the number followed by the word “hundred.” For example, 100 is “one hundred,” and 200 is “two hundred.”

Thousands: Numbers in the thousands are expressed as the number followed by the word “thousand.” For example, 1,000 is “one thousand” and 2,000 is “two thousand.”


Larger Numbers: For larger numbers like millions and billions, the same pattern continues. For example, 1,000,000 is “one million,” and 1,000,000,000 is “one billion.”

Combining Numbers: When you have a combination of numbers, you combine the words. For example:

– 35 would be “thirty-five”

– 102 would be “one hundred two”


– 2,345 would be “two thousand three hundred forty-five”

– 10,000 would be “ten thousand”

These simple rules can help you express any number in words using the English alphabet.

List of Numbers in Words (1 to 100)

The below table contains numbers names from 1 to 100 in English words. The spelling of numbers from 1 to 100 are given here for students to make them learn.

1 One 21 Twenty-one 41 Forty-one 61 Sixty-one 81 Eighty-one
2 Two 22 Twenty-two 42 Forty-two 62 Sixty-two 82 Eighty-two
3 Three 23 Twenty-three 43 Forty-three 63 Sixty-three 83 Eighty-three
4 Four 24 Twenty-four 44 Forty-four 64 Sixty-four 84 Eighty-four
5 Five 25 Twenty-five 45 Forty-five 65 Sixty-five 85 Eighty-five
6 Six 26 Twenty-six 46 Forty-six 66 Sixty-six 86 Eighty-six
7 Seven 27 Twenty-seven 47 Forty-seven 67 Sixty-seven 87 Eighty-seven
8 Eight 28 Twenty-eight 48 Forty-eight 68 Sixty-eight 88 Eighty-eight
9 Nine 29 Twenty-nine 49 Forty-nine 69 Sixty-nine 89 Eighty-nine
10 Ten 30 Thirty 50 Fifty 70 Seventy 90 Ninety
11 Eleven 31 Thirty-one 51 Fifty-one 71 Seventy-one 91 Ninety-One
12 Twelve 32 Thirty-two 52 Fifty-two 72 Seventy-two 92 Ninety-two
13 Thirteen 33 Thirty-three 53 Fifty-three 73 Seventy-three 93 Ninety-three
14 Fourteen 34 Thirty-four 54 Fifty-four 74 Seventy-four 94 Ninety-four
15 Fifteen 35 Thirty-five 55 Fifty-five 75 Seventy-five 95 Ninety-five
16 Sixteen 36 Thirty-six 56 Fifty-six 76 Seventy-six 96 Ninety-six
17 Seventeen 37 Thirty-seven 57 Fifty-seven 77 Seventy-seven 97 Ninety-seven
18 Eighteen 38 Thirty-eight 58 Fifty-eight 78 Seventy-eight 98 Ninety-eight
19 Nineteen 39 Thirty-nine 59 Fifty-nine 79 Seventy-nine 99 Ninety-nine
20 Twenty 40 Forty 60 Sixty 80 Eighty 100 Hundred


List of Numbers in Words (101 to 200)

Here is the table containing the numbers from 101 to 200 written in English words:

Number In Words Number In Words Number In Words Number In Words
101 One hundred one 121 One hundred twenty-one 141 One hundred forty-one 161 One hundred sixty-one
102 One hundred two 122 One hundred twenty-two 142 One hundred forty-two 162 One hundred sixty-two
103 One hundred three 123 One hundred twenty-three 143 One hundred forty-three 163 One hundred sixty-three
104 One hundred four 124 One hundred twenty-four 144 One hundred forty-four 164 One hundred sixty-four
105 One hundred five 125 One hundred twenty-five 145 One hundred forty-five 165 One hundred sixty-five
106 One hundred six 126 One hundred twenty-six 146 One hundred forty-six 166 One hundred sixty-six
107 One hundred seven 127 One hundred twenty-seven 147 One hundred forty-seven 167 One hundred sixty-seven
108 One hundred eight 128 One hundred twenty-eight 148 One hundred forty-eight 168 One hundred sixty-eight
109 One hundred nine 129 One hundred twenty-nine 149 One hundred forty-nine 169 One hundred sixty-nine
110 One hundred ten 130 One hundred thirty 150 One hundred fifty 170 One hundred seventy
111 One hundred eleven 131 One hundred thirty-one 151 One hundred fifty-one 171 One hundred seventy-one
112 One hundred twelve 132 One hundred thirty-two 152 One hundred fifty-two 172 One hundred seventy-two
113 One hundred thirteen 133 One hundred thirty-three 153 One hundred fifty-three 173 One hundred seventy-three
114 One hundred fourteen 134 One hundred thirty-four 154 One hundred fifty-four 174 One hundred seventy-four
115 One hundred fifteen 135 One hundred thirty-five 155 One hundred fifty-five 175 One hundred seventy-five
116 One hundred sixteen 136 One hundred thirty-six 156 One hundred fifty-six 176 One hundred seventy-six
117 One hundred seventeen 137 One hundred thirty-seven 157 One hundred fifty-seven 177 One hundred seventy-seven
118 One hundred eighteen 138 One hundred thirty-eight 158 One hundred fifty-eight 178 One hundred seventy-eight
119 One hundred nineteen 139 One hundred thirty-nine 159 One hundred fifty-nine 179 One hundred seventy-nine
120 One hundred twenty 140 One hundred forty 160 One hundred sixty 180 One hundred eighty
181 One hundred eighty-one 182 One hundred eighty-two 183 One hundred eighty-three 184 One hundred eighty-four
185 One hundred eighty-five 186 One hundred eighty-six 187 One hundred eighty-seven 188 One hundred eighty-eight
189 One hundred eighty-nine 190 One hundred ninety 191 One hundred ninety-one 192 One hundred ninety-two
193 One hundred ninety-three 194 One hundred ninety-four 195 One hundred ninety-five 196 One hundred ninety-six
197 One hundred ninety-seven 198 One hundred ninety-eight 199 One hundred ninety-nine 200 Two hundred



Numbers in Words (1 to 1000):-

1 = One 2 = Two
3 = Three 4 = Four
5 = Five 6 = Six
7 = Seven 8 = Eight
9 = Nine 10 = Ten
11 = Eleven 12 = Twelve
13 = Thirteen 14 = Fourteen
15 = Fifteen 16 = Sixteen
17 = Seventeen 18 = Eighteen
19 = Nineteen 20 = Twenty
21 = Twenty-one 22 = Twenty-two
23 = Twenty-three 24 = Twenty-four
25 = Twenty-five 26 = Twenty-six
27 = Twenty-seven 28 = Twenty-eight
29 = Twenty-nine 30 = Thirty
31 = Thirty-one 32 = Thirty-two
33 = Thirty-three 34 = Thirty-four
35 = Thirty-five 36 = Thirty-six
37 = Thirty-seven 38 = Thirty-eight
39 = Thirty-nine 40 = Forty
41 = Forty-one 42 = Forty-two
43 = Forty-three 44 = Forty-four
45 = Forty-five 46 = Forty-six
47 = Forty-seven 48 = Forty-eight
49 = Forty-nine 50 = Fifty
51 = Fifty-one 52 = Fifty-two
53 = Fifty-three 54 = Fifty-four
55 = Fifty-five 56 = Fifty-six
57 = Fifty-seven 58 = Fifty-eight
59 = Fifty-nine 60 = Sixty
61 = Sixty-one 62 = Sixty-two
63 = Sixty-three 64 = Sixty-four
65 = Sixty-five 66 = Sixty-six
67 = Sixty-seven 68 = Sixty-eight
69 = Sixty-nine 70 = Seventy
71 = Seventy-one 72 = Seventy-two
73 = Seventy-three 74 = Seventy-four
75 = Seventy-five 76 = Seventy-six
77 = Seventy-seven 78 = Seventy-eight
79 = Seventy-nine 80 = Eighty
90 = Ninety 100 = One Hundred
110 = One hundred ten 120 = One hundred twenty
130 = One hundred thirty 140 = One hundred forty
150 = One hundred fifty 160 = One hundred sixty
170 = One hundred seventy 180 = One hundred eighty
190 = One hundred ninety 200 = Two hundred
290 = Two hundred ninety 300 = Three hundred
310 = Three hundred ten 320 = Three hundred twenty
330 = Three hundred thirty 340 = Three hundred forty
350 = Three hundred fifty 360 = Three hundred sixty
370 = Three hundred seventy 380 = Three hundred eighty
390 = Three hundred ninety 400 = Four hundred
490 = Four hundred ninety 500 = Five hundred
510 = Five hundred ten 520 = Five hundred twenty
530 = Five hundred thirty 540 = Five hundred forty
550 = Five hundred fifty 560 = Five hundred sixty
570 = Five hundred seventy 580 = Five hundred eighty
590 = Five hundred ninety 600 = Six hundred
690 = Six hundred ninety 700 = Seven hundred
710 = Seven hundred ten 720 = Seven hundred twenty
730 = Seven hundred thirty 740 = Seven hundred forty
750 = Seven hundred fifty 760 = Seven hundred sixty
770 = Seven hundred seventy 780 = Seven hundred eighty
790 = Seven hundred ninety 800 = Eight hundred
890 = Eight hundred ninety 900 = Nine hundred
910 = Nine hundred ten 920 = Nine hundred twenty
930 = Nine hundred thirty 940 = Nine hundred forty
950 = Nine hundred fifty 1000 = One thousand



Numbers Words
100 Hundred
200 Two-Hundred
300 Three-Hundred
400 Four-Hundred
500 Five-Hundred
600 Six-Hundred
700 Seven-Hundred
800 Eight-Hundred
900 Nine-Hundred
1000 One-Thousand or Thousand

How to Write Numbers in words?

Writing numbers in words involves converting the numeric form of a number into its corresponding verbal form. This is essential in various contexts such as writing checks, legal documents, or financial statements. Depending on the numbering system used, the words for numbers will vary slightly. Here are the rules and examples for writing numbers in words in both the International system and the Indian system.

Writing Numbers in Words in the International System

In the International system, the place values are based on ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, millions, and so on.



  1. Ones Place: Numbers from 1 to 9 are written as one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine.
  2. Tens Place: The multiples of ten from 10 to 90 are written as ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, and ninety.
  3. Teens: Numbers from 11 to 19 have unique names, such as eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen.
  4. Hundreds Place: Hundreds are expressed by saying the number in front of “hundred” (e.g., 200 is two hundred).
  5. Thousands Place: Thousands follow the same rules as hundreds, where 1,000 is one thousand, 2,000 is two thousand, and so on.
  6. Millions and Beyond: The higher place values, such as millions and billions, are written similarly, following the above rules.
Numbers Names
1000 Thousand
10000 Ten thousand
100,000 Hundred Thousand
1,000,000 One Million
10,000,000 Ten Million
1,000,000,000 One billion



  • 1 million = 1000 thousand
  • 1 billion = 1000 millions

2000000 in Words

2000000 in words is 20 lakhs or 2 Million.


2,000,000 represents twenty lakhs in the Indian number system and two million in the international number system.


– 3,000 – Three thousand

– 50,000 – Fifty thousand


– 300,000 – Three hundred thousand

– 1,000,000 – One million


Numbers in Words in Indian System

In the Indian system, the place values are based on ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, lakhs, crores, and so on.



  1. Ones Place: Numbers from 1 to 9 are written as one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine.
  2. Tens Place: Numbers from 10 to 90 follow the same rules as the International system.
  3. Hundreds Place: Similarly, the hundreds are expressed with the number followed by “hundred” (e.g., 300 is three hundred).
  4. Thousands Place: In the Indian system, numbers in the thousands are expressed the same way as in the International system.
  5. Lakhs Place: In the Indian system, the number 1 lakh is written as one lakh, and subsequent values as two lakhs, three lakhs, and so on.
  6. Crores and Beyond: Similarly, crores follow the pattern, with one crore being one crore, two crores, and so on.



– 30,000 – Thirty thousand

– 50,000 – Fifty thousand


– 3,00,000 – Three lakhs

– 1,00,00,000 – One crore

By following these guidelines, you can accurately express any number in words according to either the International or Indian numbering systems.

Tips to Learn Number in Words:-
Learning how to write numbers in words can be a useful skill, whether you are writing checks, creating legal documents, or just wanting to improve your language skills. Here are 10 tips to help you learn to write numbers in words:1. Practice Basic Numbers: Start with numbers 1 to 10. Write them out and practice their spellings. These are foundational and will help you with larger numbers.


2. Memorize the Teens: Numbers 11 to 19 have unique spellings that don’t follow a simple pattern. Memorize them individually.

3. Understand Tens: Numbers 20 to 90 (in multiples of 10) follow a pattern: twenty, thirty, forty, and so on. Learn these spellings as they form the basis for larger numbers.

4. Combine the Tens and Ones: Once you know the multiples of 10 (20, 30, 40, etc.) and the numbers 1-9, you can combine them to form numbers from 21 to 99, such as twenty-one, thirty-two, and so on.

5. Learn Hundreds: Hundreds are formed by combining a number (1-9) with the word “hundred.” For example, 300 is three hundred. Learn these to handle larger numbers.


6. Break Down Larger Numbers: For numbers above 1,000, break them down into manageable chunks. For instance, 3,456 can be thought of as three thousand, four hundred fifty-six.

7. Write It Out: Practice writing numbers in words often to reinforce your learning. Write checks, sentences, or notes using numbers in words.

8. Use Flashcards: Create flashcards with numbers on one side and their spellings on the other. Quiz yourself regularly to improve your recall.

9. Listen and Speak: Listen to others saying numbers in words, and practice speaking them yourself. Hearing and using the numbers in conversation can help reinforce your learning.


10. Review Regularly: Regular practice is key to learning any new skill. Review your knowledge of numbers in words periodically to ensure you retain the information.

By following these tips, you can strengthen your ability to write numbers in words and improve your overall understanding and usage of numbers in different contexts.

Solved Examples on Numbers in Words

Here are 10 examples of numbers written in words with solutions:

Example 1:


Write 72 in words.


The tens place of the number is occupied by 7, so it is seventy. The ones place is 2, so it is two.

Therefore, 72 in words is “seventy-two.”


Example 2:

Write 142 in words.


The hundreds place is occupied by 1, so it is one hundred. The tens place is 4, which is forty, and the ones place is 2, which is two.


Therefore, 142 in words is “one hundred forty-two.”

Example 3:

Write 501 in words.



The hundreds place is occupied by 5, so it is five hundred. There are no tens and ones, so it remains five hundred.

Therefore, 501 in words is “five hundred one.”

Example 4:

Write 64,310 in words.



The thousands place is 64, so it is sixty-four thousand. The hundreds place is 3, which is three hundred, and the ones place is 10, which is ten.

Therefore, 64,310 in words is “sixty-four thousand three hundred ten.”

Example 5:


Write 305,000 in words.


The hundreds of thousands place is occupied by 3, so it is three hundred thousand. The remaining number is 5,000, which is five thousand.

Therefore, 305,000 in words is “three hundred five thousand.”


Example 6:

Write 2,537,950 in words.


The millions place is occupied by 2, so it is two million. The hundreds of thousands place is 537, which is five hundred thirty-seven thousand. The remaining number is 950, which is nine hundred fifty.


Therefore, 2,537,950 in words is “two million five hundred thirty-seven thousand nine hundred fifty.”

Example 7:

Write 90,001 in words.



The tens of thousands place is occupied by 9, so it is ninety thousand. The remaining number is 1, which is one.

Therefore, 90,001 in words is “ninety thousand one.”

Example 8:

Write 10,080 in words.



The ten thousands place is 10, which is ten thousand. The remaining number is 80, which is eighty.

Therefore, 10,080 in words is “ten thousand eighty.”

Example 9:


Write 87 in words.


The tens place is 8, which is eighty. The ones place is 7, which is seven.

Therefore, 87 in words is “eighty-seven.”


Example 10:

Write 600 in words.


The hundreds place is occupied by 6, which is six hundred. There are no tens or ones.


Therefore, 600 in words is “six hundred.”

Worksheets on Numbers in Words

Here are 20 questions for practicing converting numbers to words:

1. Write 114 in words.
2. Write 500 in words.
3. Write 786 in words.
4. Convert 193 to words.
5. Write the spelling of 876 in English.
6. Convert 942 to words.
7. Write 361 in words.
8. Write 205 in words.
9. Convert 615 to words.
10. Write 42 in words.
11. Convert 307 in words.
12. Write 728 in words.
13. Convert 960 to words.
14. Write 105 in words.
15. Convert 472 in words.
16. Write 230 in words.
17. Convert 509 to words.
18. Write 841 in words.
19. Convert 320 in words.
20. Write 703 in words.

1. One hundred fourteen.
2. Five hundred.
3. Seven hundred eighty-six.
4. One hundred ninety-three.
5. Eight hundred seventy-six.
6. Nine hundred forty-two.
7. Three hundred sixty-one.
8. Two hundred five.
9. Six hundred fifteen.
10. Forty-two.
11. Three hundred seven.
12. Seven hundred twenty-eight.
13. Nine hundred sixty.
14. One hundred five.
15. Four hundred seventy-two.
16. Two hundred thirty.
17. Five hundred nine.
18. Eight hundred forty-one.
19. Three hundred twenty.
20. Seven hundred three.


1. What is the rule for writing numbers from 1 to 9 in words?
– Answer: Numbers from 1 to 9 are written in words as one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine.

2. How do you write numbers from 10 to 19 in words?
– Answer: Numbers from 10 to 19 have unique names, such as ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen.

3. How do you write numbers that are multiples of 10 (such as 20, 30, 40) in words?
– Answer: Numbers that are multiples of 10 are written in words as twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, and ninety.

4. What is the rule for writing numbers in the hundreds (e.g., 200, 300) in words?
– Answer: Numbers in the hundreds are expressed by saying the number followed by the word “hundred” (e.g., 200 is “two hundred,” 300 is “three hundred”).


5. How do you write numbers in the thousands (e.g., 1,000, 2,000) in words?
– Answer: Numbers in the thousands are expressed as the number followed by the word “thousand” (e.g., 1,000 is “one thousand,” 2,000 is “two thousand”).

6. How do you combine the words for numbers when you have a combination (e.g., 23 or 45)?
– Answer: When you have a combination of numbers, combine the words for each place value. For example, 23 is “twenty-three” and 45 is “forty-five.”

7. How do you write larger numbers such as millions and billions in words?
– Answer: Larger numbers like millions and billions are written similarly by combining the number with the appropriate place value word. For example, 1,000,000 is “one million” and 1,000,000,000 is “one billion.”

8. What is the difference between writing numbers in words in the International and Indian systems?
– Answer: In the International system, place values follow ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, millions, billions, etc. In the Indian system, place values are ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, lakhs, crores, etc. Additionally, the Indian system uses different terms for larger values like lakhs and crores.


9. How can I improve my ability to write numbers in words?
– Answer: Practice is key to improving your ability to write numbers in words. Practice writing numbers in words regularly, review your knowledge, and use flashcards to reinforce your memory.

10. What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing numbers in words?
– Answer: Common mistakes include misspelling number words, incorrectly combining numbers (e.g., mixing tens and ones incorrectly), and confusing the place values in larger numbers. Carefully breaking down numbers into place values and practicing can help you avoid these mistakes.

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