ITI: Vocational Training for Youth – Courses, Eligibility, and Benefits

Unlock Opportunities with ITI Courses: Empowerment through Vocational Training

The ITI is a prominent institute that provides vocational training to individuals.  ITI stands for the Industrial Training Institute. It is a government-based training organisation. It gives industry-based training to students to make them ready to take up jobs. Courses such as electrician, sewing, tailoring, beautician, draught training, and baking are taught under the ITI. Students studying in high school or those who have completed high school can apply for admission.  In certain cases, one can apply even after the 8th class examination.

The Objective of the ITI Courses

The main objective of the ITI is to develop the skills of the youth, who have been unable to complete their basic education. Individuals who have just cleared their 10th or 12th grade and are unable to continue their education further can try these courses. Often, these youth are capable, but due to home circumstances or inadequate resources are unable to continue their higher studies. Hence they are in urgent need of gaining technical skills that will make them employable. The ITIs also offer short courses that can be completed quickly and the individuals can further apply for apprenticeships or take up jobs.

Number of ITI in India 

As per 2021-22 figures, there were 14,953 Industrial Training Institutes in India. The total number of seats was 2,57,7051 as of December 2022.


What is the Duration of the ITI Courses? 

The duration of the ITI course ranges between 6 months to 2 years, depending on the kind of course.

  • Short duration courses: are like basic computer courses, desktop publishing or beautician courses etc. which equip the students with quick skills.
  • Long duration: These courses encompass a deeper technical understanding. Hence, training for becoming an electrician, mechanic welding etc. is given to individuals.

Types of Training Provided Under the ITI

There are two main kinds of vocational training given by this institute.

  • Engineering: example-mechanic, draughtsman civil, machine tool electrician etc. These focus on engineering, science, mathematics and technology concepts
  • Non-technical Engineering courses: are like baking, tailoring, interior design etc. These are attuned towards communication, and soft skills training. 

The ITI provides practical training to students, enabling them to find employment in the industry.

What is the Eligibility criterion for the ITI?

The criterion for enrolling in the Industrial Training Institutes is as follows. 

  • The student’s age can be between the ages of 14 and 40 years.
  • The applicant must have obtained a minimum of 35% in the 10th grade from any reputed board in India.

What is the Admission Process for applying at the ITI?

The Department of Vocational Education & Training (DVET) of Maharashtra under the State Government of Maharashtra, conducts an online admission process for admission. Individuals seeking admission here should check the DVET website for clear and updated information regarding the application form, deadline, fees, eligibility, courses and counselling.

The DVET Maharashtra has a centralized online admission system and is completely online Here are the main steps towards applying for the courses :

  • Please search the DVET website and register there. Fill in all the important information such as the contact details, and email id.
  • Complete the application form and submit it online  
  • Next, the application of the candidate will be reviewed. The course will be confirmed by the authorities based on the selection criterion and the availability of the seats
  • Allotment of seats: the DVET will finally allocate seats to the candidates, based on their application and the selection process. They are informed about the course and the particular institute they are being allocated to
  • Admission: The individuals can then go ahead and submit the required documents to the allotted institute and submit the fees. 

Fees for the ITI application form/ courses 

ITI DVET application fees depend on the category applied in. It is as given below.

Unreserved category – Rs.150/-  


Reserved category – Rs.100/-  

Candidates (from outside Maharashtra)– Rs.300/-  

Non-Residential Indians – Rs.500/

Fees for the ITI courses: Ranges between Rs 6,000-35,000- depending on the course selected.  


Courses offered by ITI for students after 8th standard


2.Pattern maker engineering

3.Embroidery making 



5.Mechanic Tractor


7.Plumber(and numerous courses) 

Courses offered by ITI for students after 10th standard

1.Tool & Die making


2.Draughtsman -mechanical engineering

3.Diesel Mechanic engineering

4.Pump operator

5.Fitter engineering


6.Turner engineering

7.Commercial Art

8.Leather goods making

9.Bleaching and Dyeing calico print 


10.Hair & Skincare 

11.Pump operator (and many other courses)

What is the Difference Between an ITI course and a Diploma

ITI is focused on practical work-specific training in a particular trade. It is usually ranging between 6 months and 2 years and can be done even after completing 8th grade. On the other hand, a diploma is a professional program that provides comprehensive knowledge and training in a specific subject. It is a three-year program and is open to candidates who have completed their 10th or 12th grade. Diploma holders can work as engineers and technicians in the industry. 

See the below table that presents key differences between the two.

Basis IT Diploma
Duration 1-2 years 3 years
Course Level Vocational/Technical Technical/Professional
Eligibility 10th pass 10th/12th pass
Streams Engineering/Non-Engineering (e.g. electrical, mechanical, welding, etc.) Engineering/Non-Engineering (e.g. computer science, electronics, architecture, etc.)
Job Opportunities Technician/Technologist (e.g. maintenance technician, electrician, etc.) Technician/Engineer (e.g. software engineer, civil engineer, mechanical engineer, etc.)



The government set up ITI prove to be a boon for all individuals, irrespective of caste, creed or gender. Marginalised students or financially challenged individuals benefit immensely by completing the courses from ITI. The courses can be applied for at a nominal fee and by anyone who has completed his/her education till 8th standard. The acceptance criterion is basic and achievable for almost anyone. Post completion of the 1-2 year ITI course, students can apply for employment in the public or private sector. In this manner, they have a feeling of self-worth and can support their families. 






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