Top 10 Highest Mountain Peak in the India | List of highest peak of India

Today in this article we will get to know the Top 10 Highest Mountain Peak in the India. The list of these peaks is from highest to lowest.

Highest Mountain Peak in the India

India is not only known for their Cultural Diversity but also for the Mountain Peaks which are situated here. Many states have Mountain peaks and some of them are very famous such as the Himalayan, Aravali, eastern, and Western Ghats.  often tourists come here to do trekking and to get peace in the valleys of mountains. The Highest Mountain Peak in the India are Kanchenjunga, Nanda Devi, and Kamet range.

India is considered as home to many mountain ranges with many peaks which Are situated among the various states of india.


The top 10 mountain peaks in India include:

Mountain Name Height (meters) Location
Kanchenjunga Peak 8586 Sikkim
Nanda Devi Peak 7816
Garhwal Himalayas, Uttarakhand
Kamet Peak 7756 Uttarakhand
Saltoro Kangri Peak 7742
Jammu and Kashmir
Saser Kangri Peak 7672
Jammu and Kashmir
Mamostong Kangri Peak 7516
Jammu and Kashmir
Rimo Peak 7385
Jammu and Kashmir
Hardeol Peak 7151 Uttarakhand
Chaukhamba Peak 7138 Uttarakhand
Trisul Peak 7120 Uttarakhand



1. Kanchenjunga Peak

Kanchenjunga Peak: Highest Mountain Peak in the India

Height: 8586 metres


Location: Sikkim

With a height of 8585 meters, this peak is also located at the border of India and Nepal in the great Himalayas range near Sikkim which is known for its beautiful Valley although it is the 3rd highest peak in the world and 1st in India. The real meaning of Kanchenjunga is “The Five Treasures of Snows” (which are gold, silver, gems, grain, and holy books). Kangchenjunga contains five peaks and this region has 12 more peaks over 7,000 m (23,000 ft).


2. Nanda Devi Peak

Nanda Devi Peak: Highest peak in the india


Height: 7816 metres

Location: Uttarakhand

With a height of 7816 meters, it ranked as 2nd Highest Mountain Peak in the India and 23rd highest in the world. Also, there is Nanda Devi National Park located around the valleys of this peak consisting of one of the best flora and fauna in India. Moreover, this is the highest peak which is entirely Located in India because the Kanchenjunga lies in the border areas of Nepal.



3. Kamet Peak

Kamet Peak

Height: 7756 metres

Location: Uttrakhand

It is located near the Tibetan Plateau and is mainly situated In the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand. It is the 2nd highest peak of the Garhwal Himalayas and is surrounded by the 3 main peaks. After Nanda Devi, it is the 29th highest mountain in the world it is said that its looks resembling a giant pyramid which is topped by a flat area with two peaks because of its position near the Tibetan Plateau also Kamet is considered remote and not as accessible as some other Himalayan peaks.



4. Saltoro Kangri Peak

Saltoro Kangri Peak

Height: 7742 metres

Location: Jammu & Kashmir


It is situated near the Siachen range and is also the 31st highest mountain peak in the world and lies in the Saltoro mountain range which is a sub-range of Karakoram. It is mainly situated in the middle of the Karakoram range and also very close to the biggest Glaciers in the world.


5. Saser Kangri Peak

Saser Kangri Peak

Height: 7,672 metres


Location: Jammu & Kashmir

It is located in Ladakh With the 35th highest mountain peak in the world. It lies in the easternmost subrange of the Karakoram range.

Although it Is a group of five mountain peaks which saser Kangri is the highest among them.



6. Mamostong Kangri Peak

Height: 7516 metres

Location: Jammu & Kashmir

It is the 48th independent highest peak in the world which is located near the Siachen glacier. It is the highest among the mountain sub-ranges Rimo Muztagh.



7. Rimo Peak

Height: 7385 metres

Location: Jammu & Kashmir

It is the 71st highest peak in the world Which is located in the subranges of  Karakoram ranges.

Although it is a part of Rimo Muztagh which consists of 4 ranges among Them it is the highest.



8. Hardeol Peak

Height: 7151 metres

Location: Uttrakhand

Hardeol Peak is also called the ‘Temple of God’ it is one of the oldest parts of the Kumaon Himalayas and is located On the northern side of Nanda Devi sanctuary.


It is Mainly located in the Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand.


9. Chaukhamba Peak

Height: 7138 metres

Location: Uttrakhand


It is the highest peak in the group of the Gangotri which is located in the Garhwal region in the Himalayas of Uttarakhand. Gangotri has four peaks and it is the highest among them. It is said that Chaukhamba got its name due to the 4 big peaks situated with each other.


10. Trisul Peak

Height: 7120 metres

Location: Uttrakhand


‘Trisul’ its name is taken from the weapon (Trishul) of lord shiva.

And as its name says ‘tri’ which means 3 in Hindi, three mountain peaks are located in the Himalayas and it is one of them. Moreover, this mountain peak is situated near the Nanda Devi sanctuary.



In India, mountains are considered as “Homes of the Gods’ and are mostly popular tourist attractions due to their clean air, religious beliefs, and various adventure sports activities like bungee jumping and paragliding. In India, most of the mountains  are covered with very dense forests which give home to a wide variety of plants and animals. Also, there are various animals which are present there.


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