Best Eid Gift Ideas 2024 | Eid al-Adha Gifts for Friends, Wife, Husband, Kids and Family

Best Eid Gift Ideas 2024

Eid al-Adha is a religious festival. Give gifts of devotion, inspiration, and joy! Eid al-Adha, also known as the ‘Festival of Sacrifice’, is one of the most important holidays in the Islamic calendar. Eid al-Adha commemorates the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son in obedience to the command of God. This festival is not only a day for reflection and sacrifice but also a day for forgiveness, duas, and gift-giving. Gifts are a way to share joy, strengthen bonds, and express gratitude towards loved ones, including family, friends, and neighbours. Here are some thoughtful gift ideas that you can consider for Eid al-Adha that cover every age, interest, and relationship.


Bakrid 2024 Gift Ideas:



1. Religious Books and Artefacts

Religious Books and Artefacts

Eid al-Adha offers a perfect occasion to send religious books like the Quran, Hadith compilations, or the biographies of popular Islamic figures. These books could inspire and guide the person whom you’re gifting and the gift you’ll receive, too. Additionally, things like prayer rugs, tasbih beads, or Islamic calligraphy art are quite meaningful too, and they enhance the practice for other people.


2. Qurbani Donation

Qurbani Donation


Eid al-Adha centres around the act of Qurbani, or sacrifice; hence, donating in someone’s name to a charity that performs Qurbani on behalf of those who cannot afford it is a deeply impactful gift that you can do for someone. This signifies the spirit of the festival and also aids those in need.


3. Eid Hampers


Create personalised hampers filled with a variety of items, such as dates, dry fruits, chocolates, and other delicacies. You can also include scented candles, perfumes, attar, or skincare products. Tailor the hamper to the recipient’s preferences for a personal touch so that they feel special.



4. Jewellery and accessories


You can also go for jewellery items such as bracelets, necklaces, or cufflinks that have Islamic motifs or engravings. For a more practical approach, you can also choose to present the recipient with watches, wallets, or handbags.



5. Educational Toys for Children


For children, an Islamic gift that can be considered educational will be great. You can buy toys that educate the child about Islamic history or even the Arabic language. Games, puzzles, and books that fit their learning level are good too.



6. Learning skills


Give the gift of an experience, not a material item, by organising cooking classes, art workshops, or tickets to something the person is interested in; memories last longer than any gift.


7. Clothing and attire

Gifting traditional attire such as shalwar kameez, abayas, or thobes can be a thoughtful gesture. You must opt for festive colours and comfortable fabrics to ensure your gift is both beautiful and practical.



8. Educational Toys for Children

For younger recipients, educational toys that promote learning about Islamic history or the Arabic language can be both fun and instructive and will install a sense of goodness in the child. Puzzles, board games, or books tailored to children’s learning levels are excellent choices.

9. Learning skills

Gift experiences rather than material items by arranging for cooking classes, art workshops, or tickets to events that align with the recipient’s interests. These experiences create memories that last longer than any gift. 



11. Tech Gadgets

For tech-savvy individuals, you can gift gadgets like smartphones, tablets, or e-readers as ideal gifts. These devices can also be used to access religious content, which will make them doubly beneficial.

12. Handmade Crafts

Handmade gifts carry a personal sentiment that is unmatched by store-bought items. You can consider crafting something yourself or purchasing from artisans who make unique items like pottery, embroidery, or woodwork to give a personalised touch.

13. Gift Cards

When in doubt, gift cards offer flexibility and allow recipients to choose their own gifts according to their tastes and needs.

14. Plants and greenery

Gifting plants is a way to bring a piece of nature into someone’s home. Choosing low-maintenance indoor plants can be the best choice with minimal care.


15. Charitable Contributions

Making a donation to a cause that is close to the recipient’s heart in their name. This act reflects the charitable spirit of Eid al-Adha, supports meaningful causes, and spreads the essence of the festival itself.


16. Personalised Items

You can gift personalised gifts, such as engraved pens, custom-made nameplates, or monogrammed towels, that add a special touch by showing the thoughtfulness and effort made by you.

17. Health and Wellness Packages

One can also consider gifting spa vouchers, gym memberships, or health supplements to encourage well-being and self-care among your loved ones.


18. Culinary Delights

You can gift good food; gourmet baskets with exotic spices, premium teas or coffees, or homemade treats can be delightful gifts.

19. Art and Calligraphy: 


You can gift beautifully crafted pieces of Islamic art or calligraphy to your loved ones that inspire faith and reflection. Whether it’s a framed Quranic verse, a canvas painting, or a handmade calligraphy piece, artworks serve as reminders of faith and beauty and will help you form a strong bond with the other person.

20. Perfumes: 



You can gift luxurious perfumes or attar oils with captivating scents that evoke a sense of elegance and charm. One can also opt for fragrances that are alcohol-free and suitable for both men and women, which will make them ideal Eid gifts for family and friends.



Eid al-Adha is an occasion that celebrates faith, gratitude, and generosity. The act of giving is deeply embedded in its observance. Whether you choose a traditional gift or something more modern and unconventional, the key is to select something that resonates with the recipient’s personality and preferences. By giving thoughtfully and generously, you honour the spirit of Eid al-Adha and bring joy to those around you.


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